April 20, 2010
\ka-‘kä-gre-fe\ n 1: bad spelling 2: bad handwriting*
I am a spelling fanatic. In school, there were not many subjects that I cared about the way I cared about spelling. The English language always mystified me and it still does to this day; there are so many words that are not spelled the way one would think they are based on the pronunciation. Studying for spelling tests was a waste of time for me, the words just speaking to me and somehow finding their rightful place on the page.
Whenever individuals fall victim to cacography, it really pisses me off, for lack of a better phrase. I understand that not everyone is adept at the ever elusive spelling skill, yet simple words that have no chance ever of being confused with something else are written incorrectly, almost as aliases that are used to cover a hidden meaning…
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
April 19, 2010
\’be-tres\ n 1: a projecting structure (as of masonry) that supports or stabilizes a wall or building 2: something that supports, props, or strengthens*
The country of Haiti is still struggling three months after the tragic earthquake that shook their world upside down. Buildings and homes have been demolished, leaving the country to look like a no man’s land. People have still not been found and families have been divided. There are people who are skeptical as to whether or not Haiti will ever be able to resurrect their communities let alone their infrastructure.
From tel-a-thons, clothing drives, bake sales to doctors immediately hopping on a plane to donate their time and services, the U.S. along with other countries has been a positive force and a buttress in lending a hand to Haiti in order to rebuild their country so that it can thrive even more with their vibrant culture.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’be-tres\ n 1: a projecting structure (as of masonry) that supports or stabilizes a wall or building 2: something that supports, props, or strengthens*
The country of Haiti is still struggling three months after the tragic earthquake that shook their world upside down. Buildings and homes have been demolished, leaving the country to look like a no man’s land. People have still not been found and families have been divided. There are people who are skeptical as to whether or not Haiti will ever be able to resurrect their communities let alone their infrastructure.
From tel-a-thons, clothing drives, bake sales to doctors immediately hopping on a plane to donate their time and services, the U.S. along with other countries has been a positive force and a buttress in lending a hand to Haiti in order to rebuild their country so that it can thrive even more with their vibrant culture.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
Saturday, April 24, 2010
April 18, 2010
\’ger-e-les\ adj 1: pointlessly or annoyingly talkative 2: wordy*
I have accepted the fact that I talk a lot. I always have and probably always will. However, it is very rare, (unless I am inebriated or extremely exhausted) that my diatribes are looked at as being void of value. There are people though who conjure questions out of thin air knowing damn well the answer could have been derived through another medium, or individuals who just let their gums go wild without ever reaching a point. These people and I are not in the same category; or at least I hope not.
I have encountered many people in life that all have their own weird and/or unique quirks. There is this one woman whom I see on a regular schedule whose conversation consists of purely nothing of interest to anyone. Her garrulous personality makes me cringe every time she walks in the door and I purposely find some other task to occupy my time; alas that does not even deter her, her constant verbiage giving the term verbal diarrhea a whole new meaning.
*second and third letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’ger-e-les\ adj 1: pointlessly or annoyingly talkative 2: wordy*
I have accepted the fact that I talk a lot. I always have and probably always will. However, it is very rare, (unless I am inebriated or extremely exhausted) that my diatribes are looked at as being void of value. There are people though who conjure questions out of thin air knowing damn well the answer could have been derived through another medium, or individuals who just let their gums go wild without ever reaching a point. These people and I are not in the same category; or at least I hope not.
I have encountered many people in life that all have their own weird and/or unique quirks. There is this one woman whom I see on a regular schedule whose conversation consists of purely nothing of interest to anyone. Her garrulous personality makes me cringe every time she walks in the door and I purposely find some other task to occupy my time; alas that does not even deter her, her constant verbiage giving the term verbal diarrhea a whole new meaning.
*second and third letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
April 17, 2010
\i-‘myur\ v 1a: to enclose within or as if within walls b: to imprison 2: to build into a wall; especially : to entomb in a wall
I have always loved literature. I prefer the more contemporary pieces to what could be considered, “classics,” however I do have a sincere appreciation for any type of writing as it is such a genuine depiction of the author and perhaps what he or she has experienced in his or her life. Edgar Allan Poe is one such example. He is a brilliant writer, one that makes you shiver with his eerie relationship with a raven, his undying love, or the ticking that is immured inside a wall…
\i-‘myur\ v 1a: to enclose within or as if within walls b: to imprison 2: to build into a wall; especially : to entomb in a wall
I have always loved literature. I prefer the more contemporary pieces to what could be considered, “classics,” however I do have a sincere appreciation for any type of writing as it is such a genuine depiction of the author and perhaps what he or she has experienced in his or her life. Edgar Allan Poe is one such example. He is a brilliant writer, one that makes you shiver with his eerie relationship with a raven, his undying love, or the ticking that is immured inside a wall…
April 16, 2010
\kän-‘tä-me-le\ n : harsh language or treatment arising from haughtiness and contempt; also : an instance of such language or treatment*
I really don’t like pestering people for money. However within the past two years, my motto has become “times are hard,” and if I am owed a certain amount for whatever services I may have rendered, I am entitled. I will never forget one of my most nightmarish jobs right out of college. It was for a woman whose head was everywhere except where it needed to be which was developing a sound structure for the organization she was in charge of and getting her new assistant (me) well acclimated to my job responsibilities.
In a total of four weeks, I had only worked for her twice and at the end of November, I knew it was over. It, (for my sanity) had to be. I sent her two copies of my resignation letter and a copy of the hours that I had worked. I expected my money in full and for the both of us to carry on with our lives (hers however dysfunctional it may have been, mine considerably less) and that would have been the end of the story…hey, I never said I wasn’t naïve.
Three months later, I still had not received my money and was peeved beyond belief. I decided to become a pest. Lord knows, I had mastered this trait in other circumstances. After several voicemails and emails, I was left a nasty message from my former boss; her contumely obvious. I was not deterred from my goal and three weeks later, I received my money in full. As unpleasant as that scenario was, I learned something valuable; as nasty as people can be and even if you get cursed out, fighting for what’s right never gets old.
*letter “e” is upside down, creating sound of “uh”
\kän-‘tä-me-le\ n : harsh language or treatment arising from haughtiness and contempt; also : an instance of such language or treatment*
I really don’t like pestering people for money. However within the past two years, my motto has become “times are hard,” and if I am owed a certain amount for whatever services I may have rendered, I am entitled. I will never forget one of my most nightmarish jobs right out of college. It was for a woman whose head was everywhere except where it needed to be which was developing a sound structure for the organization she was in charge of and getting her new assistant (me) well acclimated to my job responsibilities.
In a total of four weeks, I had only worked for her twice and at the end of November, I knew it was over. It, (for my sanity) had to be. I sent her two copies of my resignation letter and a copy of the hours that I had worked. I expected my money in full and for the both of us to carry on with our lives (hers however dysfunctional it may have been, mine considerably less) and that would have been the end of the story…hey, I never said I wasn’t naïve.
Three months later, I still had not received my money and was peeved beyond belief. I decided to become a pest. Lord knows, I had mastered this trait in other circumstances. After several voicemails and emails, I was left a nasty message from my former boss; her contumely obvious. I was not deterred from my goal and three weeks later, I received my money in full. As unpleasant as that scenario was, I learned something valuable; as nasty as people can be and even if you get cursed out, fighting for what’s right never gets old.
*letter “e” is upside down, creating sound of “uh”
April 15, 2010
\’luft-‘mensh\ n : an impractical contemplative person having no definite business or income
I would never want to be labeled a luftmensch, especially at this point in my life. I work hard, I earn money that could be a lot more yet is just enough to pay my bills and I rarely live life on the wild side so if I want to dream, dammit I will dream. I have never relied on my parents or others for money while I sit and daydream about things that have the potential of never happening; I am in fact the opposite, many people have instead labeled me a pessismist. Yet, I still think about creating a better life for myself in the future and for my family through my dreams…I am jolted back to reality by a kid screaming in the waiting area…
\’luft-‘mensh\ n : an impractical contemplative person having no definite business or income
I would never want to be labeled a luftmensch, especially at this point in my life. I work hard, I earn money that could be a lot more yet is just enough to pay my bills and I rarely live life on the wild side so if I want to dream, dammit I will dream. I have never relied on my parents or others for money while I sit and daydream about things that have the potential of never happening; I am in fact the opposite, many people have instead labeled me a pessismist. Yet, I still think about creating a better life for myself in the future and for my family through my dreams…I am jolted back to reality by a kid screaming in the waiting area…
April 14, 2010
\’a-te-‘tü-de-‘niz\ v : to assume an affected mental attitude : pose*
I have often been told that I am not a good liar and that my emotions can be read clearly all over my face. I believe that may indeed be true to a certain extent. I am often found attitudinizing my thoughts as they cross my mind, a habit that has often gotten me into trouble. In college, I came across many individuals who thought their advice was the best advice and to take anyone else’s would be foolish. I knew that to listen to people’s opinions was a smart action, however there was a always a situation when I knew that to not listen to my gut would be just as foolish.
I managed to get through my four years at La Salle without any major damaged relationships yet I had weeded out those people whom were full of it (to say the least) from my life. A year later, I was invited to an annual event that I had been responsible for in college and when coming across one individual whom I had not favored, had no qualms about showing that I was less than thrilled to be in her company once again. I was told to “fix my face,” yet the emotion acted as though it were frozen on my features. I half smiled (that was as good as it was going to get) and headed straight for the wine.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sounds of “uh”
\’a-te-‘tü-de-‘niz\ v : to assume an affected mental attitude : pose*
I have often been told that I am not a good liar and that my emotions can be read clearly all over my face. I believe that may indeed be true to a certain extent. I am often found attitudinizing my thoughts as they cross my mind, a habit that has often gotten me into trouble. In college, I came across many individuals who thought their advice was the best advice and to take anyone else’s would be foolish. I knew that to listen to people’s opinions was a smart action, however there was a always a situation when I knew that to not listen to my gut would be just as foolish.
I managed to get through my four years at La Salle without any major damaged relationships yet I had weeded out those people whom were full of it (to say the least) from my life. A year later, I was invited to an annual event that I had been responsible for in college and when coming across one individual whom I had not favored, had no qualms about showing that I was less than thrilled to be in her company once again. I was told to “fix my face,” yet the emotion acted as though it were frozen on my features. I half smiled (that was as good as it was going to get) and headed straight for the wine.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sounds of “uh”
April 13, 2010
\’flaut\ v 1: to treat with contemptuous disregard : scorn 2: to indulge in scornful behavior
“It’s only because we’re responsible for you, that’s all.” I can’t tell you how many times I have uttered that phrase to the many children that infiltrate my job day in and day out. This phrase, often accompanied by “don’t wait outside, stop running, don’t go in a studio without your instructor,” (usually said breathlessly as all one sentence) are just a clear representation of how children are not disciplined and how apples fall perilously close to the tree.
One night in particular, I was at the front desk, waiting impatiently for the last class to begin as it would be the clear signal of the end of the night. A father came in to pick up his daughter and trotting behind him was his little boy cutely clad in his dinosaur pajamas. I inappropriately misconstrued the pajamas as a not so accurate depiction of the kid’s personality. Little Johnny was racing up and down the benches in the waiting area and when laying his eyes on the monitor showcasing each class’ occurrences, dashed quickly inside one of the empty studios, asking his dad to watch him on the T.V. I rolled my eyes and muttered “here we go again,” under my breath.
I calmly got his dad’s attention and mentioned that kids were not allowed in the studio because they may accidentally get hurt. Instead of apologizing and quickly whisking his kid out of the room (as I would have done had it been me), he sneered at me and gave me lip. I thought to myself, “here we go again.” I explained it was just policy and yet somehow, that didn’t seem to make a difference. To add insult to injury, the kid (you know the cute kid clad in dinosaur pajamas?), started egging me on as he ran in and out of the studio faster and faster, blatantly flouting our rules.
I eventually gave up and resigned myself to the fact that if indeed the kid got hurt, it wouldn’t be my night spent in the emergency room. Somehow, that made me feel better and I went back to my work.
\’flaut\ v 1: to treat with contemptuous disregard : scorn 2: to indulge in scornful behavior
“It’s only because we’re responsible for you, that’s all.” I can’t tell you how many times I have uttered that phrase to the many children that infiltrate my job day in and day out. This phrase, often accompanied by “don’t wait outside, stop running, don’t go in a studio without your instructor,” (usually said breathlessly as all one sentence) are just a clear representation of how children are not disciplined and how apples fall perilously close to the tree.
One night in particular, I was at the front desk, waiting impatiently for the last class to begin as it would be the clear signal of the end of the night. A father came in to pick up his daughter and trotting behind him was his little boy cutely clad in his dinosaur pajamas. I inappropriately misconstrued the pajamas as a not so accurate depiction of the kid’s personality. Little Johnny was racing up and down the benches in the waiting area and when laying his eyes on the monitor showcasing each class’ occurrences, dashed quickly inside one of the empty studios, asking his dad to watch him on the T.V. I rolled my eyes and muttered “here we go again,” under my breath.
I calmly got his dad’s attention and mentioned that kids were not allowed in the studio because they may accidentally get hurt. Instead of apologizing and quickly whisking his kid out of the room (as I would have done had it been me), he sneered at me and gave me lip. I thought to myself, “here we go again.” I explained it was just policy and yet somehow, that didn’t seem to make a difference. To add insult to injury, the kid (you know the cute kid clad in dinosaur pajamas?), started egging me on as he ran in and out of the studio faster and faster, blatantly flouting our rules.
I eventually gave up and resigned myself to the fact that if indeed the kid got hurt, it wouldn’t be my night spent in the emergency room. Somehow, that made me feel better and I went back to my work.
April 12, 2010
\’mer-me-‘dän\ n : a loyal follower; especially : a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulously*
I believe that there is nothing wrong with doing what is asked of one’s self. To not follow orders and directions clearly almost always leads to some sort of catastrophe that enables blame to be assigned and responsibility never to be assumed. However, while possessing attributes that can be characteristic of a myrmidon, I also believe that perhaps it is ok to question; especially if said actions are not ones the individual believes in or knows for a fact will not be beneficial. It’s pretty safe to say that questions may often be considered an insubordinate action, resulting in hard feelings of the other party that is more often than not higher up on the corporate ladder. While I am an advocate of following the rules and living up to not only other’s expectations but personal ones as well, I do think that going against the flow in a tactful and respectful manner is appropriate if not downright necessary.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’mer-me-‘dän\ n : a loyal follower; especially : a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulously*
I believe that there is nothing wrong with doing what is asked of one’s self. To not follow orders and directions clearly almost always leads to some sort of catastrophe that enables blame to be assigned and responsibility never to be assumed. However, while possessing attributes that can be characteristic of a myrmidon, I also believe that perhaps it is ok to question; especially if said actions are not ones the individual believes in or knows for a fact will not be beneficial. It’s pretty safe to say that questions may often be considered an insubordinate action, resulting in hard feelings of the other party that is more often than not higher up on the corporate ladder. While I am an advocate of following the rules and living up to not only other’s expectations but personal ones as well, I do think that going against the flow in a tactful and respectful manner is appropriate if not downright necessary.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
Sunday, April 11, 2010
April 11, 2010
\i-‘re-nik\ adj : favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation or conciliation
For most if not all of my life, the Middle East has been an unsettling part of our world. There are many aspects that are associated with this characterization, (extremists, religious fanatics, terrorists), however perhaps the most disturbing reason as to why the countries in the Middle East are in constant conflict is the actions they take against one another.
From the war in Iraq to the battle between Israel and Palestine, innocent people are being killed and it seems as if no solution is near. As an ally, we felt the urge to step in and aid those countries, help them establish a solid infrastructure and stable economy, sometimes at the cost of our own country and our people. It is ironic to this writer that more irenic forms of communication and plans for peace are not the first option, how war seems so much easier. It’s a shame that pride and strong will stand in the way of reaching an agreement that perhaps is an easier and more affordable elucidation.
\i-‘re-nik\ adj : favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation or conciliation
For most if not all of my life, the Middle East has been an unsettling part of our world. There are many aspects that are associated with this characterization, (extremists, religious fanatics, terrorists), however perhaps the most disturbing reason as to why the countries in the Middle East are in constant conflict is the actions they take against one another.
From the war in Iraq to the battle between Israel and Palestine, innocent people are being killed and it seems as if no solution is near. As an ally, we felt the urge to step in and aid those countries, help them establish a solid infrastructure and stable economy, sometimes at the cost of our own country and our people. It is ironic to this writer that more irenic forms of communication and plans for peace are not the first option, how war seems so much easier. It’s a shame that pride and strong will stand in the way of reaching an agreement that perhaps is an easier and more affordable elucidation.
April 10, 2010
\’skel-‘de-ge-re\ n : underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; also : a devious device or trick*
One of my favorite films as a kid was Clue. I loved the mystery genre, thriving on the “whodunit” aspect of various books and movies. This particular film did not only satisfy my insatiable urge to figure out who had committed the egregious crime, but it made me chuckle with its witty humor. Let’s just say the infamous quote “it was so and so in the Billiard room with the candlestick,” makes its way into my conversation whenever something has gone missing…
Clue is the story of a group of dinner guests who convene at a mansion located in an isolated area. The evening’s travels are accompanied by a severe storm, which sets the eerie scene perfectly. As the guests arrive, the audience thinks that it will be an average night; a five course meal, good company. However, we are led astray in our thinking, watching as the events of the evening unfold. We are surprised because the skulduggery that will have been revealed to us by the end of the film would never have been predicted…
*first three letter “e’s” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’skel-‘de-ge-re\ n : underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; also : a devious device or trick*
One of my favorite films as a kid was Clue. I loved the mystery genre, thriving on the “whodunit” aspect of various books and movies. This particular film did not only satisfy my insatiable urge to figure out who had committed the egregious crime, but it made me chuckle with its witty humor. Let’s just say the infamous quote “it was so and so in the Billiard room with the candlestick,” makes its way into my conversation whenever something has gone missing…
Clue is the story of a group of dinner guests who convene at a mansion located in an isolated area. The evening’s travels are accompanied by a severe storm, which sets the eerie scene perfectly. As the guests arrive, the audience thinks that it will be an average night; a five course meal, good company. However, we are led astray in our thinking, watching as the events of the evening unfold. We are surprised because the skulduggery that will have been revealed to us by the end of the film would never have been predicted…
*first three letter “e’s” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
April 9, 2010
\’ab-sinth\ n : a green liqueur flavored with wormwood, anise, and other aromatic herbs that is illegal to produce in many countries
People often find illegal things irresistible; the allure of going against the flow, breaking the rules, easy. When I say illegal things, I mean trivial components in life, not anything on the murder spectrum (although there are fans of that sport too). I believe in college, the attraction of underage drinking was primarily due to the feeling of being “bad” sip after sip; the “will I get caught,” factor lingering in the background, making anyone and everyone eager to do what was so blatantly wrong. Drinking can be fun if done responsibly and there are definitely tasty drinks that allow inhibitions to be eradicated. I enjoy a social drink every now and again, light with only a slight taste of the alcohol within which it is mixed. I know for certain that the dangerous and (only recently) legal Absinthe would definitely not make its way into my drink.
\’ab-sinth\ n : a green liqueur flavored with wormwood, anise, and other aromatic herbs that is illegal to produce in many countries
People often find illegal things irresistible; the allure of going against the flow, breaking the rules, easy. When I say illegal things, I mean trivial components in life, not anything on the murder spectrum (although there are fans of that sport too). I believe in college, the attraction of underage drinking was primarily due to the feeling of being “bad” sip after sip; the “will I get caught,” factor lingering in the background, making anyone and everyone eager to do what was so blatantly wrong. Drinking can be fun if done responsibly and there are definitely tasty drinks that allow inhibitions to be eradicated. I enjoy a social drink every now and again, light with only a slight taste of the alcohol within which it is mixed. I know for certain that the dangerous and (only recently) legal Absinthe would definitely not make its way into my drink.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
HOBSON'S CHOICE -(disregard prior posting)
April 8, 2010
Hobson’s choice
\’häb-senz-‘chois\ n : an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative*
In fifth grade, we had a class pet. His name was Patches and he was a tri-colored guinea pig. As all young kids do, I thought he was the cutest thing and I couldn’t wait for my turn to take him home. Little did I know that weekend would be a catastrophe. Let’s just say gerbils and Barbie cars don’t mix.
Everything was going well so far. We (ok, my mom) diligently cleaned out his cage, we (alright alright, that was my mom too) fed him and I petted him. I even played with him and thought it would definitely be cool if Patches was the first ever guinea pig to take a ride on top of my brand new Barbie convertible. Patches got stuck, became sick and died a few days later…I think it’s safe to say my delicate reputation had been permanently tainted among my peers.
A few days later, after being tormented relentlessly by the kids in my class, and one boy in particular, I came back from recess to find a note in my desk. It was from the kid behind me who always teased me. The note stated that he was sorry he blamed me for killing Patches and that even though he still believed it was my fault, it wasn’t (three words: fifth grader’s logic). I later found out he had been presented with a Hobson’s choice of either apologizing to me or losing recess for the rest of the year. Three words – fifth grader’s motive.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
Hobson’s choice
\’häb-senz-‘chois\ n : an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative*
In fifth grade, we had a class pet. His name was Patches and he was a tri-colored guinea pig. As all young kids do, I thought he was the cutest thing and I couldn’t wait for my turn to take him home. Little did I know that weekend would be a catastrophe. Let’s just say gerbils and Barbie cars don’t mix.
Everything was going well so far. We (ok, my mom) diligently cleaned out his cage, we (alright alright, that was my mom too) fed him and I petted him. I even played with him and thought it would definitely be cool if Patches was the first ever guinea pig to take a ride on top of my brand new Barbie convertible. Patches got stuck, became sick and died a few days later…I think it’s safe to say my delicate reputation had been permanently tainted among my peers.
A few days later, after being tormented relentlessly by the kids in my class, and one boy in particular, I came back from recess to find a note in my desk. It was from the kid behind me who always teased me. The note stated that he was sorry he blamed me for killing Patches and that even though he still believed it was my fault, it wasn’t (three words: fifth grader’s logic). I later found out he had been presented with a Hobson’s choice of either apologizing to me or losing recess for the rest of the year. Three words – fifth grader’s motive.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
April 7, 2010
\’no-des\ n : a complication or difficulty*
Reading has always been an enjoyable activity for me, never one that was filled with strife, relatively relaxing (unless it was for a school assignment) and an excellent form of escape. However, there are always those one or two (or three) books that are the antithesis of beneficial reading. I must say I am now enduring one of those problematical pieces.
For the past two months, I have been reading a fictional piece that has represented itself as worthy to read. Whether that be attributed to the author or the fact that “New York Times Bestseller” is scrawled along the top, I perhaps will never know, however I do recognize that perhaps the inscrutable plot with the just as enigmatic characters has made this particular book an incredible arduous task to complete. My nodus associated with getting absorbed by the novel has inhibited my ability to properly review it when it is finally finished, leaving my captive audience disappointed…ok who am I kidding, no one reads my damn blog…anyway I digress…
I love to read and be mystified by what might or might not happen next. However, anticipating the next move of the protagonist or swooning over the gorgeous villain even though he’s evil and will cut you up and serve you to your mother, varies greatly to a book that is so drenched in details that the main focus is lost – reaching an ending!!
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’no-des\ n : a complication or difficulty*
Reading has always been an enjoyable activity for me, never one that was filled with strife, relatively relaxing (unless it was for a school assignment) and an excellent form of escape. However, there are always those one or two (or three) books that are the antithesis of beneficial reading. I must say I am now enduring one of those problematical pieces.
For the past two months, I have been reading a fictional piece that has represented itself as worthy to read. Whether that be attributed to the author or the fact that “New York Times Bestseller” is scrawled along the top, I perhaps will never know, however I do recognize that perhaps the inscrutable plot with the just as enigmatic characters has made this particular book an incredible arduous task to complete. My nodus associated with getting absorbed by the novel has inhibited my ability to properly review it when it is finally finished, leaving my captive audience disappointed…ok who am I kidding, no one reads my damn blog…anyway I digress…
I love to read and be mystified by what might or might not happen next. However, anticipating the next move of the protagonist or swooning over the gorgeous villain even though he’s evil and will cut you up and serve you to your mother, varies greatly to a book that is so drenched in details that the main focus is lost – reaching an ending!!
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
April 6, 2010
\’ad-se-‘ti-shes\ adj : derived or acquired from something extrinsic*
I think I give relatively good advice on relationships perhaps because I have an adscititious outlook on the situation. I am not sure why I am able to dispense advice like a Pez dispenser shoots out candy, but I am often the one shedding my opinion on what could be done. I am not currently in a relationship and so maybe it is easier for me to give an objective side to a story, hoping it will help everyone involved. I often think of medical professionals such as psychiatrists who can help their patients but when confronted with a problem within their family, the advice they were sharing the hour before is for naught. I like to think of it as having more at stake; perhaps my advice is just not good enough to cure whatever is wrong in my romantic life, but then again maybe there is nothing worth curing… ;)
*letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’ad-se-‘ti-shes\ adj : derived or acquired from something extrinsic*
I think I give relatively good advice on relationships perhaps because I have an adscititious outlook on the situation. I am not sure why I am able to dispense advice like a Pez dispenser shoots out candy, but I am often the one shedding my opinion on what could be done. I am not currently in a relationship and so maybe it is easier for me to give an objective side to a story, hoping it will help everyone involved. I often think of medical professionals such as psychiatrists who can help their patients but when confronted with a problem within their family, the advice they were sharing the hour before is for naught. I like to think of it as having more at stake; perhaps my advice is just not good enough to cure whatever is wrong in my romantic life, but then again maybe there is nothing worth curing… ;)
*letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
April 5, 2010
\’plemp-le\ adv : in a wholehearted manner and without hesitation or circumlocution : forthrightly*
I have never been good at being completely and totally honest. I don’t mean that I make it a habit to lie to people, however, I have a hard time expressing my opinion for fear of encountering opposition or confrontation. I was taught that it is not always what you say but how you say it and that I could be honest without hurting someone’s feelings. I’ve definitely gotten better, however, it is still work in progress.
During college, I met many individuals who were like me, shy about letting people know how she or he really felt. Strangely, though, my fellow counterparts were not with whom I surrounded myself; basking in the energy and company of people who didn’t care what others thought; exhibiting themselves as young, bright women who could assert themselves plumply without thought or reservation as to what would be said about them or how it would make others feel. Obviously, they had a hard time living according to my mother’s adage as well…
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’plemp-le\ adv : in a wholehearted manner and without hesitation or circumlocution : forthrightly*
I have never been good at being completely and totally honest. I don’t mean that I make it a habit to lie to people, however, I have a hard time expressing my opinion for fear of encountering opposition or confrontation. I was taught that it is not always what you say but how you say it and that I could be honest without hurting someone’s feelings. I’ve definitely gotten better, however, it is still work in progress.
During college, I met many individuals who were like me, shy about letting people know how she or he really felt. Strangely, though, my fellow counterparts were not with whom I surrounded myself; basking in the energy and company of people who didn’t care what others thought; exhibiting themselves as young, bright women who could assert themselves plumply without thought or reservation as to what would be said about them or how it would make others feel. Obviously, they had a hard time living according to my mother’s adage as well…
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
Sunday, April 4, 2010
April 4, 2010
\’tin-te-‘na-bye-‘la-shen\ n 1: the ringing or sounding of bells 2: a jingling or tinkling sound as if of bells*
You know it’s the holidays when you get out of your car in a parking lot to do your shopping and you hear the unmistakable tintinnabulation of the Salvation Army bell. You contemplate getting back into your car and slinking away, making a run for the front door ignoring all requests to give funding or easing into a crowd with hopes of not being noticed. These attempts are not because you don’t like to give to people in need especially during the holiday season, but because at that precise moment, you have no change on you. But, alas, you take it like a woman and march with your head held high, look the poor, freezing Salvation Army representative in the eye and promise (that’s right, you promised) a donation when you come out. He or she nods (you think the nod means he or she understands you when in actuality it is code for “sure, that’s what they all say”) and you feel good inside. This feeling lasts until you get in the car to head home when you suddenly remember you forgot to wedge your dollar bill into the bucket. As punishment, the ringing of the bells is constant in your ears…
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’tin-te-‘na-bye-‘la-shen\ n 1: the ringing or sounding of bells 2: a jingling or tinkling sound as if of bells*
You know it’s the holidays when you get out of your car in a parking lot to do your shopping and you hear the unmistakable tintinnabulation of the Salvation Army bell. You contemplate getting back into your car and slinking away, making a run for the front door ignoring all requests to give funding or easing into a crowd with hopes of not being noticed. These attempts are not because you don’t like to give to people in need especially during the holiday season, but because at that precise moment, you have no change on you. But, alas, you take it like a woman and march with your head held high, look the poor, freezing Salvation Army representative in the eye and promise (that’s right, you promised) a donation when you come out. He or she nods (you think the nod means he or she understands you when in actuality it is code for “sure, that’s what they all say”) and you feel good inside. This feeling lasts until you get in the car to head home when you suddenly remember you forgot to wedge your dollar bill into the bucket. As punishment, the ringing of the bells is constant in your ears…
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
April 3, 2010
\’sik\ adv : intentionally so written – used after a printed word or passage to indicate that it exactly reproduces an original
“That’s totally sic!” That phrase has been implemented within the English language and like many slang terms, has absolutely nothing to do with the actual meaning of the word, sic. During this verbal adventure, I have learned many new things and the actual gist of this word and its use within our literary world is quite interesting.
When adding the term sic in a piece, usually following another person’s quote, it implies that what was said was the actual quote and not a mistake made by the person writing the article. Once again, there are individuals who do not agree with using this term as it is said to possibly “call attention to someone’s error or to deride the language of a less educated person” (Page-A-Day Calendar by Workman Publishing). I think using a three letter word to cover one’s own ass is totally….(yup you guessed it) sic!
\’sik\ adv : intentionally so written – used after a printed word or passage to indicate that it exactly reproduces an original
“That’s totally sic!” That phrase has been implemented within the English language and like many slang terms, has absolutely nothing to do with the actual meaning of the word, sic. During this verbal adventure, I have learned many new things and the actual gist of this word and its use within our literary world is quite interesting.
When adding the term sic in a piece, usually following another person’s quote, it implies that what was said was the actual quote and not a mistake made by the person writing the article. Once again, there are individuals who do not agree with using this term as it is said to possibly “call attention to someone’s error or to deride the language of a less educated person” (Page-A-Day Calendar by Workman Publishing). I think using a three letter word to cover one’s own ass is totally….(yup you guessed it) sic!
April 2, 2010
\’ver-chü-o-so\ n 1: a person skilled in the fine arts 2: one who excels in the technique of an art or other endeavor; especially : a highly skilled musical performer*
In college, I focused dually on film and journalism. In addition to writing, I loved acting and thought if the drama club wasn’t necessarily my nice, I could go to class for three hours and watch drama, love, comedy and many other genres unfold before me on the big screen. However, as great as film is, my one true love is none other than theater.
Any chance I have to see a broadway show I am the first one in line (preferably at the TKTS booth; times are hard). Theater makes me feel alive. I thrive on the actors’ energy, the way they light up the stage with their passion. Supplementing the acting, is the music (I’m a sucker for musicals – Phantom being my favorite). The virtuosos that inhabit the orchestra pit really add flavor and pizzazz to the environment and make the theater itself feel like a home away from home for me. Any show would not be successful if not for the individuals behind the scenes, from the director to the set designers. These people permit the show to happen and happen well.
All the different aspects of theater make me giddy with excitement and raring to go when a friend mentions yet another show we must see.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’ver-chü-o-so\ n 1: a person skilled in the fine arts 2: one who excels in the technique of an art or other endeavor; especially : a highly skilled musical performer*
In college, I focused dually on film and journalism. In addition to writing, I loved acting and thought if the drama club wasn’t necessarily my nice, I could go to class for three hours and watch drama, love, comedy and many other genres unfold before me on the big screen. However, as great as film is, my one true love is none other than theater.
Any chance I have to see a broadway show I am the first one in line (preferably at the TKTS booth; times are hard). Theater makes me feel alive. I thrive on the actors’ energy, the way they light up the stage with their passion. Supplementing the acting, is the music (I’m a sucker for musicals – Phantom being my favorite). The virtuosos that inhabit the orchestra pit really add flavor and pizzazz to the environment and make the theater itself feel like a home away from home for me. Any show would not be successful if not for the individuals behind the scenes, from the director to the set designers. These people permit the show to happen and happen well.
All the different aspects of theater make me giddy with excitement and raring to go when a friend mentions yet another show we must see.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
April 1, 2010
\’ger-den\ n : a reward or recompense*
Many writers struggle; to keep the ideas brewing while trying to get them accepted by publishers and the general public is a task with which writers are very familiar. I have often considered myself a writer and have realized that to harness my passion is a gift in itself and will enable me to develop my talent more deeply as time goes on.
Perhaps every writer’s dream is to become published; whether it be self-publication or through the ever elusive “agent.” To some the process of getting one’s work out to his or her audience defines him or her as an author; to others, it is just a means to an end. For this particular writer, the main guerdon would be that specific moment when I lay my eyes upon my work in print. It would be that moment that would define me and my hard effort in perfecting my craft; putting in many hard hours/days/months of writing, doing research, dealing with rejection after rejection. For me, it will be that moment…
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’ger-den\ n : a reward or recompense*
Many writers struggle; to keep the ideas brewing while trying to get them accepted by publishers and the general public is a task with which writers are very familiar. I have often considered myself a writer and have realized that to harness my passion is a gift in itself and will enable me to develop my talent more deeply as time goes on.
Perhaps every writer’s dream is to become published; whether it be self-publication or through the ever elusive “agent.” To some the process of getting one’s work out to his or her audience defines him or her as an author; to others, it is just a means to an end. For this particular writer, the main guerdon would be that specific moment when I lay my eyes upon my work in print. It would be that moment that would define me and my hard effort in perfecting my craft; putting in many hard hours/days/months of writing, doing research, dealing with rejection after rejection. For me, it will be that moment…
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
March 31, 2010
\val-‘ha-le\ n 1: the great hall in Norse mythology where the souls of heroes slain in battle are received 2: a place of honor, glory, or happiness : heaven*
When I was eight years old I was assigned a special project in school. We were given the option of either reporting on the history of The Statue of Liberty or Ellis Island. I figured the majority of my classmates would pick The Statue of Liberty; not because she was more interesting but because it was February and she was the first stop on the freezing cold ferry ride across the Hudson – I decided to sacrifice and went with Ellis Island.
It was a bitter cold day, yet I was shivering with excitement. My mom had agreed to take me (after all I was only eight) and I was looking forward to spending the day with her. We boarded the ferry and made our way to the famed halls of Ellis Island. Despite my nausea (I was never good with boat rides), I tried to enjoy the seemingly endless trip across the river.
As we made our way off the boat and into the Great Hall, I was immediately back to normal and ready to tackle the different parts of the museum being featured in my project. After getting all the crucial information, my mom and I made our way outside and came across the wall. At first, I was confused until my mother explained that it held the names of all the people who had immigrated to this country and who had made their way through the daunting halls of Ellis Island. We walked down a bit further and my mother stopped. She was staring at her grandparents’ names on the wall. I thought it was cool (after all I was only eight) yet let my mom remember in silence.
I have not been back to Ellis Island since yet I do know that I have a deeper reverence and appreciation for the men, women and children who graced the halls with their presence, culture, history. They may have been frightened and confused at the unknown circumstances they found themselves in when they came to this country, yet many years later, their presence, culture and history rest on a valhalla for all to see.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\val-‘ha-le\ n 1: the great hall in Norse mythology where the souls of heroes slain in battle are received 2: a place of honor, glory, or happiness : heaven*
When I was eight years old I was assigned a special project in school. We were given the option of either reporting on the history of The Statue of Liberty or Ellis Island. I figured the majority of my classmates would pick The Statue of Liberty; not because she was more interesting but because it was February and she was the first stop on the freezing cold ferry ride across the Hudson – I decided to sacrifice and went with Ellis Island.
It was a bitter cold day, yet I was shivering with excitement. My mom had agreed to take me (after all I was only eight) and I was looking forward to spending the day with her. We boarded the ferry and made our way to the famed halls of Ellis Island. Despite my nausea (I was never good with boat rides), I tried to enjoy the seemingly endless trip across the river.
As we made our way off the boat and into the Great Hall, I was immediately back to normal and ready to tackle the different parts of the museum being featured in my project. After getting all the crucial information, my mom and I made our way outside and came across the wall. At first, I was confused until my mother explained that it held the names of all the people who had immigrated to this country and who had made their way through the daunting halls of Ellis Island. We walked down a bit further and my mother stopped. She was staring at her grandparents’ names on the wall. I thought it was cool (after all I was only eight) yet let my mom remember in silence.
I have not been back to Ellis Island since yet I do know that I have a deeper reverence and appreciation for the men, women and children who graced the halls with their presence, culture, history. They may have been frightened and confused at the unknown circumstances they found themselves in when they came to this country, yet many years later, their presence, culture and history rest on a valhalla for all to see.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 30, 2010
\byü-‘kä-lik\ adj 1: of or relating to shepherds or herdsman : pastoral 2: relating to or typical of rural life
I have become a pro at either dodging the inevitable “where do you see yourself in five years?” (specifically centered around career) question or artfully creating an answer that only I know to be utter and complete bullshit. I am not usually adept at avoiding these more often than not awkward situations, so it is definitely fair to say that I spend the majority of my time lying…
However there is one question to which I know the answer; that being where do I see myself living, settling, raising a family. I used to be certain I would make a life for myself in a city. Growing up only a half hour outside what could arguably be known as the greatest city on Earth, I developed a deep sense of appreciation for the energy, the grandiose ideas of success often accompanied by city life. Yet, as I grew older, and experienced commuting into the city (even though it was once a week, it was still exhausting!), I realized that a bucolic lifestyle would suit me just fine and that perhaps I could still take advantage of the great experiences a city had to offer knowing I was returning to seemingly less crazy haven at the end of the day.
\byü-‘kä-lik\ adj 1: of or relating to shepherds or herdsman : pastoral 2: relating to or typical of rural life
I have become a pro at either dodging the inevitable “where do you see yourself in five years?” (specifically centered around career) question or artfully creating an answer that only I know to be utter and complete bullshit. I am not usually adept at avoiding these more often than not awkward situations, so it is definitely fair to say that I spend the majority of my time lying…
However there is one question to which I know the answer; that being where do I see myself living, settling, raising a family. I used to be certain I would make a life for myself in a city. Growing up only a half hour outside what could arguably be known as the greatest city on Earth, I developed a deep sense of appreciation for the energy, the grandiose ideas of success often accompanied by city life. Yet, as I grew older, and experienced commuting into the city (even though it was once a week, it was still exhausting!), I realized that a bucolic lifestyle would suit me just fine and that perhaps I could still take advantage of the great experiences a city had to offer knowing I was returning to seemingly less crazy haven at the end of the day.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
March 29, 2010
\’mär-te-‘net\ n 1: a strict disciplinarian 2: a person who stresses a rigid adherence to the details of forms and methods*
I first tried getting into the famed scriptwriting class sophomore year. It was not until my second semester senior year that I finally made it into the class. I was so psyched and couldn’t wait to further my knowledge about a topic that I knew nothing about yet was certain it was something I wanted to implement into my career somehow.
The first day of class, after reading the syllabus, (after a while they all started looking alike), we were introduced to the scriptwriting phenomenon. My professor made it perfectly clear that we could have the best idea in the world but if we pitched it in the incorrect format, we would “have it thrown back in our face.” I was scared yet curious…little did I know…
Our professor turned out to be a format martinet, constantly marking us down due to wrong format. It was discouraging yet it trained our eyes and enabled us to be better at the craft we so desperately wanted to master. We dreaded getting our papers back, yet craved the red marks, proof that we were yearning to do better and that perhaps even though we were not skilled artisans in scriptwriting, we were well on our way…
*second letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’mär-te-‘net\ n 1: a strict disciplinarian 2: a person who stresses a rigid adherence to the details of forms and methods*
I first tried getting into the famed scriptwriting class sophomore year. It was not until my second semester senior year that I finally made it into the class. I was so psyched and couldn’t wait to further my knowledge about a topic that I knew nothing about yet was certain it was something I wanted to implement into my career somehow.
The first day of class, after reading the syllabus, (after a while they all started looking alike), we were introduced to the scriptwriting phenomenon. My professor made it perfectly clear that we could have the best idea in the world but if we pitched it in the incorrect format, we would “have it thrown back in our face.” I was scared yet curious…little did I know…
Our professor turned out to be a format martinet, constantly marking us down due to wrong format. It was discouraging yet it trained our eyes and enabled us to be better at the craft we so desperately wanted to master. We dreaded getting our papers back, yet craved the red marks, proof that we were yearning to do better and that perhaps even though we were not skilled artisans in scriptwriting, we were well on our way…
*second letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 28, 2010
\’gä-se-mer\ adj : extremely light, delicate, or tenuous*
It had been a great day. They had met in the city for lunch and then went to the Central Park Zoo and walked around Battery Park for the afternoon. She had brought along her camera and was like a kid in the candy store; wanting to capture every delectable moment. He was mesmerized by her and her calm, easy-going demeanor and when seeing her face light up after taking a great photo or laughing at something humorous he had said, he wanted to spend many more such days with her.
Claire was nervous. She hadn’t seen Adam in such a long time and when he called her saying he was in town and that he wanted to meet up, she felt a giddy sense of excitement. Agreeing to meet him at the ice cream shop, Serendipity, Claire started planning her outfit right down to her jewelry, even though this blessed event was a week away.
Adam’s throat was dry when he picked up the phone and dialed Claire’s number. He wasn’t even sure that this was still the right one. As soon as she answered in her sing-song voice, Adam knew what he had known to be true all along; he was in love. They talked for hours and he eventually asked her to meet him in the city next week for lunch. He was beyond excited, and nervous.
The sun was setting and Claire and Adam were heading to Grand Central to say goodbye. As Claire turned to walk toward her track, Adam grabbed her and whirled her around to face him. There was such passion in his eyes and Claire knew he was going to kiss her.
The gossamer kiss was soft and graceful yet made Claire tremble. Even though it was simple, it was still loaded with passion and enabled both Claire and Adam to blush. They broke their embrace, smiled at each other. Adam pushed a wisp of hair out of Claire’s face and grazed his thumb against her cheek. They then both turned and headed home.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’gä-se-mer\ adj : extremely light, delicate, or tenuous*
It had been a great day. They had met in the city for lunch and then went to the Central Park Zoo and walked around Battery Park for the afternoon. She had brought along her camera and was like a kid in the candy store; wanting to capture every delectable moment. He was mesmerized by her and her calm, easy-going demeanor and when seeing her face light up after taking a great photo or laughing at something humorous he had said, he wanted to spend many more such days with her.
Claire was nervous. She hadn’t seen Adam in such a long time and when he called her saying he was in town and that he wanted to meet up, she felt a giddy sense of excitement. Agreeing to meet him at the ice cream shop, Serendipity, Claire started planning her outfit right down to her jewelry, even though this blessed event was a week away.
Adam’s throat was dry when he picked up the phone and dialed Claire’s number. He wasn’t even sure that this was still the right one. As soon as she answered in her sing-song voice, Adam knew what he had known to be true all along; he was in love. They talked for hours and he eventually asked her to meet him in the city next week for lunch. He was beyond excited, and nervous.
The sun was setting and Claire and Adam were heading to Grand Central to say goodbye. As Claire turned to walk toward her track, Adam grabbed her and whirled her around to face him. There was such passion in his eyes and Claire knew he was going to kiss her.
The gossamer kiss was soft and graceful yet made Claire tremble. Even though it was simple, it was still loaded with passion and enabled both Claire and Adam to blush. They broke their embrace, smiled at each other. Adam pushed a wisp of hair out of Claire’s face and grazed his thumb against her cheek. They then both turned and headed home.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 27, 2010
\’pre-de-el\ adj : of or relating to land or its products*
I have always loved the idea of a home surrounded by a large amount of land, somewhat ensconced among wheat fields and only a short distance from a body of water. I love hearing the sounds of nature and knowing that when I am in my home, I am at peace.
My cousin’s house on the island of Barbados epitomizes a predial domain. It is encased by wide gaping acres of land, and is a great playground for her dogs. The house itself is bright red with blue shutters and upon entering, her guest is in awe at each room’s different color. There are usually warm and welcoming smells coming from the kitchen or ice clinking in a glass at their built in bar. Outside, fresh mangos are ripe for the picking and the gravel in the driveway lets her know someone has arrived.
The beauty of this home is astounding and relaxes one the moment he or she steps foot on the property.
*third letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’pre-de-el\ adj : of or relating to land or its products*
I have always loved the idea of a home surrounded by a large amount of land, somewhat ensconced among wheat fields and only a short distance from a body of water. I love hearing the sounds of nature and knowing that when I am in my home, I am at peace.
My cousin’s house on the island of Barbados epitomizes a predial domain. It is encased by wide gaping acres of land, and is a great playground for her dogs. The house itself is bright red with blue shutters and upon entering, her guest is in awe at each room’s different color. There are usually warm and welcoming smells coming from the kitchen or ice clinking in a glass at their built in bar. Outside, fresh mangos are ripe for the picking and the gravel in the driveway lets her know someone has arrived.
The beauty of this home is astounding and relaxes one the moment he or she steps foot on the property.
*third letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 26, 2010
\’ä-stre-‘siz\ v : to exclude from a group by common consent*
I have always had a soft spot for kids who are ostracized by their peers. Experiencing this feeling of hopelessness and not belonging has allowed me to empathize with kids who currently go through it. I know that one day, these kids will stand up for their right to be heard and to be accepted within the group from which they are rejected.
It is known that many of these kids will seek alternative measures to belonging; being permanently ostracized has caused them great pain and the desire to “fit in” no longer appeals to them. These alternatives (suicide, violence in schools, drugs) should never be considered a solution due to the result of disruption it brings to our society. Let’s help these kids flourish not only in school, but with each other as they are members of our next generation, yearning to make a difference any way they know how.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’ä-stre-‘siz\ v : to exclude from a group by common consent*
I have always had a soft spot for kids who are ostracized by their peers. Experiencing this feeling of hopelessness and not belonging has allowed me to empathize with kids who currently go through it. I know that one day, these kids will stand up for their right to be heard and to be accepted within the group from which they are rejected.
It is known that many of these kids will seek alternative measures to belonging; being permanently ostracized has caused them great pain and the desire to “fit in” no longer appeals to them. These alternatives (suicide, violence in schools, drugs) should never be considered a solution due to the result of disruption it brings to our society. Let’s help these kids flourish not only in school, but with each other as they are members of our next generation, yearning to make a difference any way they know how.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 25, 2010
\’kun-de-‘le-ne\ n, often capitalized : the yogic life force that is held to lie coiled at the base of the spine until it is aroused and sent to the head to trigger enlightenment*
I am never averse to trying new things; this becoming my mantra when asked if I wanted to try a yoga class with my co-worker. I was hesitant but thought I might as well, I have nothing to lose and it won’t hurt me. Let’s just say that it is definitely not my favorite form of exercise.
I walked into the classroom and was greeted enthusiastically by all the participants. I thought to myself that it wouldn’t be too bad and that whatever misconception I had about yoga had been just that – a misconception. I rolled out my mat and as we entered the first position, I remember thinking, “I am never averse to trying new things.”
An hour and a half later, I was dripping wet and frustrated that I couldn’t pull my leg through the opening my arm had created by grabbing my left foot let alone attaining Kundalini. I smiled when looked at and nodded when asked if I was ok. I have never watched the clock more intently.
*first letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’kun-de-‘le-ne\ n, often capitalized : the yogic life force that is held to lie coiled at the base of the spine until it is aroused and sent to the head to trigger enlightenment*
I am never averse to trying new things; this becoming my mantra when asked if I wanted to try a yoga class with my co-worker. I was hesitant but thought I might as well, I have nothing to lose and it won’t hurt me. Let’s just say that it is definitely not my favorite form of exercise.
I walked into the classroom and was greeted enthusiastically by all the participants. I thought to myself that it wouldn’t be too bad and that whatever misconception I had about yoga had been just that – a misconception. I rolled out my mat and as we entered the first position, I remember thinking, “I am never averse to trying new things.”
An hour and a half later, I was dripping wet and frustrated that I couldn’t pull my leg through the opening my arm had created by grabbing my left foot let alone attaining Kundalini. I smiled when looked at and nodded when asked if I was ok. I have never watched the clock more intently.
*first letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 24, 2010
\’ke-zen\ v 1: to deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery 2: to gain by artful coaxing or tricky deception*
One of my favorite television shows to date is Dawson’s Creek. Even though it could very well be considered a teen soap, choc full of teenage angst and drama, many of my life lessons and advice have derived from the various episodes (all of which I have on box set). There was one particular character featured in the earlier episodes who purposely set out to hurt people and manipulate situations in her favor. I still shudder when I hear the name Abby Morgan.
Abby’s character was an individual who came across as vindictive and mean yet who had personal demons of her own to fight. She often cozened her classmates with dishonesty and falseness just so she could get her own way; however the audience notices that perhaps Abby is never truly happy even when she gets what she wants- thus reiterating what we (the nice kids) were taught: you definitely do catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’ke-zen\ v 1: to deceive, win over, or induce to do something by artful coaxing and wheedling or shrewd trickery 2: to gain by artful coaxing or tricky deception*
One of my favorite television shows to date is Dawson’s Creek. Even though it could very well be considered a teen soap, choc full of teenage angst and drama, many of my life lessons and advice have derived from the various episodes (all of which I have on box set). There was one particular character featured in the earlier episodes who purposely set out to hurt people and manipulate situations in her favor. I still shudder when I hear the name Abby Morgan.
Abby’s character was an individual who came across as vindictive and mean yet who had personal demons of her own to fight. She often cozened her classmates with dishonesty and falseness just so she could get her own way; however the audience notices that perhaps Abby is never truly happy even when she gets what she wants- thus reiterating what we (the nice kids) were taught: you definitely do catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 23, 2010
\’si-se-‘fe-en\ adj : of, relating to, or suggestive of the labors of Sisyphus; specifically : requiring continual and often ineffective effort*
There are different afflictions that plague various people. One such affliction that has always been a hindrance to me and my academic career has been that of mathematics. I have never acquired a taste or a talent for this monster of a subject and thus have never succeeded in mastering it.
The Sisyphean attempts at trying to become a mathematical mastermind has almost always (ok, forget the almost) left me dazed and confused and more often than not, back at the proverbial square one. I have had extra time after class with teachers, tutors, diagnostic tests; none of these measures have inhibited my inability to wrap my brain around numbers and their convoluted meanings. The effort in conveying the written word however is always continual and everything but ineffective…
*second and fourth letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’si-se-‘fe-en\ adj : of, relating to, or suggestive of the labors of Sisyphus; specifically : requiring continual and often ineffective effort*
There are different afflictions that plague various people. One such affliction that has always been a hindrance to me and my academic career has been that of mathematics. I have never acquired a taste or a talent for this monster of a subject and thus have never succeeded in mastering it.
The Sisyphean attempts at trying to become a mathematical mastermind has almost always (ok, forget the almost) left me dazed and confused and more often than not, back at the proverbial square one. I have had extra time after class with teachers, tutors, diagnostic tests; none of these measures have inhibited my inability to wrap my brain around numbers and their convoluted meanings. The effort in conveying the written word however is always continual and everything but ineffective…
*second and fourth letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 22, 2010
\ve-‘le-e-te\ n 1: the lowest degree of volition 2: a slight wish or tendency : inclination*
I speak about plans for my future; to friends, family, people I don’t even know well. However perhaps the mentality I employ is, if I vocalize my dreams, they will just magically come true. Call it what you will- idealism, naivete, or maybe just plain laziness.
There is nothing I want more than to succeed; whether that be through getting yet another higher education degree, starting a better job, or moving into my first apartment. Possibly because I do not act upon these desires, yet just recite them, they could be considered just mere velleities-seeds of hope and aspiration that have no chance of growing if not nurtured diligently.
*first and third letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\ve-‘le-e-te\ n 1: the lowest degree of volition 2: a slight wish or tendency : inclination*
I speak about plans for my future; to friends, family, people I don’t even know well. However perhaps the mentality I employ is, if I vocalize my dreams, they will just magically come true. Call it what you will- idealism, naivete, or maybe just plain laziness.
There is nothing I want more than to succeed; whether that be through getting yet another higher education degree, starting a better job, or moving into my first apartment. Possibly because I do not act upon these desires, yet just recite them, they could be considered just mere velleities-seeds of hope and aspiration that have no chance of growing if not nurtured diligently.
*first and third letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
Sunday, March 21, 2010
March 21, 2010
\’prä-fer\ v : to present for acceptance : tender or offer*
Lately honesty seems to be dead and buried specifically among our politicians. Every time I hear of a new individual who is cheating on his wife, trying to cover up the latest scandal or acting illegally on behalf of one of his or her staff members, I shake my head and realize this is probably why some people don’t vote.
From Elliot Spitzer and his involvement in the prostitution ring to our present Governor Patterson, the idea that when one gets a title, he or she stops doing the work is strongly brought to fruition. I have always stated that whatever happens behind closed doors within a public figure’s private life in no way impacts me, however the moment hypocrisy becomes part of the deal, my trust and loyalty have been severely diminished if not totally eradicated.
A few weeks ago, on the front page of one of the newspapers, I read an article (in the form of a mock letter) mandating that Governor Patterson proffer his resignation. I think it was a great and ballsy attempt to get the public to see that it may not be just this individual’s idea that a politician should be a figure of positivity but society’s at large.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’prä-fer\ v : to present for acceptance : tender or offer*
Lately honesty seems to be dead and buried specifically among our politicians. Every time I hear of a new individual who is cheating on his wife, trying to cover up the latest scandal or acting illegally on behalf of one of his or her staff members, I shake my head and realize this is probably why some people don’t vote.
From Elliot Spitzer and his involvement in the prostitution ring to our present Governor Patterson, the idea that when one gets a title, he or she stops doing the work is strongly brought to fruition. I have always stated that whatever happens behind closed doors within a public figure’s private life in no way impacts me, however the moment hypocrisy becomes part of the deal, my trust and loyalty have been severely diminished if not totally eradicated.
A few weeks ago, on the front page of one of the newspapers, I read an article (in the form of a mock letter) mandating that Governor Patterson proffer his resignation. I think it was a great and ballsy attempt to get the public to see that it may not be just this individual’s idea that a politician should be a figure of positivity but society’s at large.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 20, 2010
\du-‘pli-se-te\ n: the disguising of true intentions by deceptive words or action*
She had finally fallen in love. He was kind, smart, altruistic and above all a perfect match to her personality. They complemented each other well and knew that there was such a thing as “long-term” for them. During what was commonly known as the “honeymoon phase,” they would spend countless hours together and never tire of each other’s company. There was no awkward moments, no conversations with endless lulls, no harsh words. They had their disagreements and often butted heads, but always respectfully and never without an apology for unkind exchanges. There was no sign of duplicity within the relationship and both she and he were satisfied with their choice for their life partners.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\du-‘pli-se-te\ n: the disguising of true intentions by deceptive words or action*
She had finally fallen in love. He was kind, smart, altruistic and above all a perfect match to her personality. They complemented each other well and knew that there was such a thing as “long-term” for them. During what was commonly known as the “honeymoon phase,” they would spend countless hours together and never tire of each other’s company. There was no awkward moments, no conversations with endless lulls, no harsh words. They had their disagreements and often butted heads, but always respectfully and never without an apology for unkind exchanges. There was no sign of duplicity within the relationship and both she and he were satisfied with their choice for their life partners.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 19, 2010
\’gra-ve-‘tat\ v 1: to move under the influence of gravitation 2a: to move toward something b: to be drawn or attracted especially by natural inclination
Grocery shopping is the bane of my existence. Not only do I have to allot myself enough time to get to the store (the one near me is filthy, thus forcing me to travel out of my way), but I also have to create a list, remember my bonus card and try not to succumb to the mounting anxiety in regards to my finances.
I usually go early in the morning so that I can fully concentrate without the crowds and in enough time to make it back for work. Food shopping, while not overly pleasant has been a rather quick experience for me. I enter the store, work my way around the back while grabbing what I know is in short supply, while occasionally glancing at my list.
However, because I have been recently trying to adopt a healthier approach to eating and maintaining a well-balanced diet, I am training my eyes not to roam, my body not to gravitate toward the members of the eatable community that have been deemed “unhealthy.” I still am a sucker for tortilla chips and spinach dip though; that is a weakness that will perhaps never be redeemed.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’gra-ve-‘tat\ v 1: to move under the influence of gravitation 2a: to move toward something b: to be drawn or attracted especially by natural inclination
Grocery shopping is the bane of my existence. Not only do I have to allot myself enough time to get to the store (the one near me is filthy, thus forcing me to travel out of my way), but I also have to create a list, remember my bonus card and try not to succumb to the mounting anxiety in regards to my finances.
I usually go early in the morning so that I can fully concentrate without the crowds and in enough time to make it back for work. Food shopping, while not overly pleasant has been a rather quick experience for me. I enter the store, work my way around the back while grabbing what I know is in short supply, while occasionally glancing at my list.
However, because I have been recently trying to adopt a healthier approach to eating and maintaining a well-balanced diet, I am training my eyes not to roam, my body not to gravitate toward the members of the eatable community that have been deemed “unhealthy.” I still am a sucker for tortilla chips and spinach dip though; that is a weakness that will perhaps never be redeemed.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
Thursday, March 18, 2010
March 18, 2010
\’ka-vel\ v : to raise trivial and frivolous objection*
I was never a reality T.V. junkie. I am sad to say I have become one as of late. My guilty pleasure (and it does shame me to say this), is the series of the Real Housewives. All of them. These women are ridiculous, their lives are ridiculous and so are their spouses (some of these husbands need their own show). Shall we say drama?
There is always some sort of conflict and after a crazy day at work, sitting down and bearing witness to these dysfunctional lives makes me feel a little more at ease that my life is really “normal.” These women are the queens of high society yet cavil so much that the majority of the hour spent watching this ludicrous nonsense revolves around cat-fights and tears. My how I love it!
Ahh Real Housewives of NY is about to come on…wonder what production will ensue during another charity auction?
*letter “e” is upside down resulting in sound of “uh”
\’ka-vel\ v : to raise trivial and frivolous objection*
I was never a reality T.V. junkie. I am sad to say I have become one as of late. My guilty pleasure (and it does shame me to say this), is the series of the Real Housewives. All of them. These women are ridiculous, their lives are ridiculous and so are their spouses (some of these husbands need their own show). Shall we say drama?
There is always some sort of conflict and after a crazy day at work, sitting down and bearing witness to these dysfunctional lives makes me feel a little more at ease that my life is really “normal.” These women are the queens of high society yet cavil so much that the majority of the hour spent watching this ludicrous nonsense revolves around cat-fights and tears. My how I love it!
Ahh Real Housewives of NY is about to come on…wonder what production will ensue during another charity auction?
*letter “e” is upside down resulting in sound of “uh”
March 17, 2010
\yü-‘bi-kwe-tes\ adj : existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : widespread*
I have always loved the color green. There is no set reason as to why this color makes me happy; it just does. Today, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, there were ubiquitous articles of clothing sporting this awesome color.
While at work, I smiled at the little children coming in, getting ready for dance class, being allowed to wear their green sweaters and leg warmers. I complimented a young boy on his t-shirt with a green tie printed on it. I tried to sound grateful and not horrified when a mother offered me her green polka-dotted scarf to wear because she noticed, as did I (for the first time all day) that green was not a color that had been a choice in my wardrobe selection that morning…let’s just say my cheeks were not green (as that would have been a sure sign of illness), but a rosy red from having my fashion faux pas be so blatantly noticed.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\yü-‘bi-kwe-tes\ adj : existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : widespread*
I have always loved the color green. There is no set reason as to why this color makes me happy; it just does. Today, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, there were ubiquitous articles of clothing sporting this awesome color.
While at work, I smiled at the little children coming in, getting ready for dance class, being allowed to wear their green sweaters and leg warmers. I complimented a young boy on his t-shirt with a green tie printed on it. I tried to sound grateful and not horrified when a mother offered me her green polka-dotted scarf to wear because she noticed, as did I (for the first time all day) that green was not a color that had been a choice in my wardrobe selection that morning…let’s just say my cheeks were not green (as that would have been a sure sign of illness), but a rosy red from having my fashion faux pas be so blatantly noticed.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 16, 2010
\pil-‘gär-lik\ n 1a: a bald head b: a bald-headed man 2: a man looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity
“It’s ok, he has no hair.” That was the running joke in my house whenever my dad looked befuddled at our latest joke or side comment. It wasn’t as if he had completely no hair or a receding hairline, he just had this wispy middle accompanied by thick hair on the sides…an unusual mix if you ask me.
My dad wasn’t always a pilgarlic (and no that’s not a rude name), I have seen pictures of his younger days in the islands and on the ships; his smile always escorted by a full head of hair. I spent the better part of my years (when I wasn’t teasing him) wondering why the hair had disappeared. It never looked odd to me yet I could not come up with a good enough reason, although old age had crossed my mind, but my dad was always a sprightly kind.
Over the years, we had our disagreements and arguments and we most certainly did not see eye to eye on many issues. However we could both concede that the absence of my dad’s hair was a pretty funny occurrence and was a permanent whipping boy for all of our jokes.
It never occurred to me that perhaps my dad’s hair loss had something to do with me…
\pil-‘gär-lik\ n 1a: a bald head b: a bald-headed man 2: a man looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity
“It’s ok, he has no hair.” That was the running joke in my house whenever my dad looked befuddled at our latest joke or side comment. It wasn’t as if he had completely no hair or a receding hairline, he just had this wispy middle accompanied by thick hair on the sides…an unusual mix if you ask me.
My dad wasn’t always a pilgarlic (and no that’s not a rude name), I have seen pictures of his younger days in the islands and on the ships; his smile always escorted by a full head of hair. I spent the better part of my years (when I wasn’t teasing him) wondering why the hair had disappeared. It never looked odd to me yet I could not come up with a good enough reason, although old age had crossed my mind, but my dad was always a sprightly kind.
Over the years, we had our disagreements and arguments and we most certainly did not see eye to eye on many issues. However we could both concede that the absence of my dad’s hair was a pretty funny occurrence and was a permanent whipping boy for all of our jokes.
It never occurred to me that perhaps my dad’s hair loss had something to do with me…
Monday, March 15, 2010
March 15, 2010
\’li-te-‘tez\ n : understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary*
I have seen many complex words and definitions during the course of this project, however I must admit this particular definition had me shaking my head, befuddled. For people who do not like exaggeration, expressing themselves through the use of litotes could definitely be deemed appropriate.
I associate litotes with an inability or unwillingness to show emotion or be overly expressive. After working an entire Saturday after having no sleep, when asked by my mother if I was ok, I responded by saying I wasn’t as awake as I would have liked when I wanted to scream and say that I was beyond exhausted.
When it’s that inevitable time of the month and I am the last person humanity wants to interact with, I characterize my volatile behavior by saying that I’m not in the best mood today when deep inside I want to utter expletives and rip a person’s head off for looking at me.
Litotes are those weird forms of expressions primarily found and utilized in the English language. It’s pretty interesting…(by that I mean It’s totally wicked cool!)
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’li-te-‘tez\ n : understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary*
I have seen many complex words and definitions during the course of this project, however I must admit this particular definition had me shaking my head, befuddled. For people who do not like exaggeration, expressing themselves through the use of litotes could definitely be deemed appropriate.
I associate litotes with an inability or unwillingness to show emotion or be overly expressive. After working an entire Saturday after having no sleep, when asked by my mother if I was ok, I responded by saying I wasn’t as awake as I would have liked when I wanted to scream and say that I was beyond exhausted.
When it’s that inevitable time of the month and I am the last person humanity wants to interact with, I characterize my volatile behavior by saying that I’m not in the best mood today when deep inside I want to utter expletives and rip a person’s head off for looking at me.
Litotes are those weird forms of expressions primarily found and utilized in the English language. It’s pretty interesting…(by that I mean It’s totally wicked cool!)
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 14, 2010
\’vi-tel\ n 1: food usable by people 2 plural : supplies of food : provisions*
Throughout this verbal voyage for the past two months, I have encountered many intriguing words and their meanings. I have tried to fit them into my life by using them in my personal stories and into the lives of others by attempting to make them easily relatable. The history surrounding the idea of victuals is quite interesting and the irony of the word’s origin makes me satisfied.
Victual (as the definition above states), is a word used to describe supplies of food or provisions. Despite the environment in which an individual receives food, the act of eating results in nourishment therefore sustaining members of society regardless of the way they are obtaining said meals; soup kitchens, shelters, school holiday breakfasts or even at your breakfast nook in your home. Nourishment is crucial to survival.
The irony appears when looking at the origin of the word; victual deriving from the Latin noun victus, which means nourishment (Page-a-Day Calendar by Workman Publishing). The word victus has given birth and nourished a new form of the word, which in turn conveys the meaning of giving back and providing nourishment. Perhaps if we adopted the attitude of paying it forward in life, we not only would be supplying good deeds but possibly receiving something more out of it instead.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’vi-tel\ n 1: food usable by people 2 plural : supplies of food : provisions*
Throughout this verbal voyage for the past two months, I have encountered many intriguing words and their meanings. I have tried to fit them into my life by using them in my personal stories and into the lives of others by attempting to make them easily relatable. The history surrounding the idea of victuals is quite interesting and the irony of the word’s origin makes me satisfied.
Victual (as the definition above states), is a word used to describe supplies of food or provisions. Despite the environment in which an individual receives food, the act of eating results in nourishment therefore sustaining members of society regardless of the way they are obtaining said meals; soup kitchens, shelters, school holiday breakfasts or even at your breakfast nook in your home. Nourishment is crucial to survival.
The irony appears when looking at the origin of the word; victual deriving from the Latin noun victus, which means nourishment (Page-a-Day Calendar by Workman Publishing). The word victus has given birth and nourished a new form of the word, which in turn conveys the meaning of giving back and providing nourishment. Perhaps if we adopted the attitude of paying it forward in life, we not only would be supplying good deeds but possibly receiving something more out of it instead.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 13, 2010
\’de-ni-‘grat\ v 1: to attack the reputation of : defame 2: to deny the importance or validity of : belittle
I like to believe that I am the type of person who stands up for what I believe in even though, at times, it may not seem like the most popular choice. I have fought for a myriad of things in my life from programming to the implementation of the study of a particular culture and the journey (while more often than not, arduous), taught me what it is to believe in something and to be willing to pass that on to my fellow leaders.
During my junior year of high school, I was appointed to serve as the editor of the newspaper. Shocked yet happy, I promptly took on appropriate duties and worked hard to prove myself. As the year went on and certain situations occurred, I found myself in a convoluted dilemma that required me to stand up to the moderator in hopes of demanding some respect for the stance I had taken on a specific issue. The exchange between teacher and student did not go over well and if I had thought that it would all blow over, I was sadly mistaken.
The following year I had applied for a position within the National Honor Society. Due to an accumulation of various factors, I had been turned down. I scheduled a meeting with the head of the board and inquired as to why I had not been accepted. She explained the other factors, and then proceeded to tell me that I had received an unfavorable recommendation from one of the board members. A feeling had settled in the pit of my stomach and even though I knew, I wanted proof.
Indeed I was right! The letter was from that teacher who had been “disrespected” the year before. Not only was the letter harsh, it was an unflattering depiction of what she thought my character consisted of; denigrating my integrity for the rest of the board to peruse. I was mortified! Never in my whole life had I been treated that way by an adult; someone who prided themselves on being a positive role model for her students and who taught Religion for heaven’s sake!
I may not have been granted an opening in the National Honor Society, however I still believe that the action I so strongly believed in and stood up for was not for naught. I’ve learned not everyone will always agree with what one has to say or do, but that should never serve as an obstacle to not asserting one’s convictions.
\’de-ni-‘grat\ v 1: to attack the reputation of : defame 2: to deny the importance or validity of : belittle
I like to believe that I am the type of person who stands up for what I believe in even though, at times, it may not seem like the most popular choice. I have fought for a myriad of things in my life from programming to the implementation of the study of a particular culture and the journey (while more often than not, arduous), taught me what it is to believe in something and to be willing to pass that on to my fellow leaders.
During my junior year of high school, I was appointed to serve as the editor of the newspaper. Shocked yet happy, I promptly took on appropriate duties and worked hard to prove myself. As the year went on and certain situations occurred, I found myself in a convoluted dilemma that required me to stand up to the moderator in hopes of demanding some respect for the stance I had taken on a specific issue. The exchange between teacher and student did not go over well and if I had thought that it would all blow over, I was sadly mistaken.
The following year I had applied for a position within the National Honor Society. Due to an accumulation of various factors, I had been turned down. I scheduled a meeting with the head of the board and inquired as to why I had not been accepted. She explained the other factors, and then proceeded to tell me that I had received an unfavorable recommendation from one of the board members. A feeling had settled in the pit of my stomach and even though I knew, I wanted proof.
Indeed I was right! The letter was from that teacher who had been “disrespected” the year before. Not only was the letter harsh, it was an unflattering depiction of what she thought my character consisted of; denigrating my integrity for the rest of the board to peruse. I was mortified! Never in my whole life had I been treated that way by an adult; someone who prided themselves on being a positive role model for her students and who taught Religion for heaven’s sake!
I may not have been granted an opening in the National Honor Society, however I still believe that the action I so strongly believed in and stood up for was not for naught. I’ve learned not everyone will always agree with what one has to say or do, but that should never serve as an obstacle to not asserting one’s convictions.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
March 12, 2010
\’chin-‘wag\ n, slang : a conversation or chat
I love conversing with people. I am an extroverted person by nature and to engage in chats (despite their relevance to my everyday life), enriches my experience getting to know that person. I love all types of dialogues, whether they are debates, spiritual revelations or just chin-wags in a Starbucks. Men and women’s ability to interact with each other is what makes us able to establish relationships and maintain them; the tool of communication perhaps being the most important catalyst in achieving this goal.
\’chin-‘wag\ n, slang : a conversation or chat
I love conversing with people. I am an extroverted person by nature and to engage in chats (despite their relevance to my everyday life), enriches my experience getting to know that person. I love all types of dialogues, whether they are debates, spiritual revelations or just chin-wags in a Starbucks. Men and women’s ability to interact with each other is what makes us able to establish relationships and maintain them; the tool of communication perhaps being the most important catalyst in achieving this goal.
March 11, 2010
\mor-‘da-shes\ adj 1: biting or given to biting 2: biting or sharp in manner or style : caustic*
There are many people in this world with varying personalities. There are those individuals whom you love to interact with and then there are those who rattle you and make your eagerness to help quickly diminish by the second. More often than not, these individuals are mothers; creatures of a different breed, creatures that have an innate ability to protect their offspring and to make your life a living hell if you threaten their copasetic balance.
It was a crazy Thursday at work and due our policy, a little girl whose mother had not arrived to pick her up yet came to sit with me behind the front desk. I was so busy, I barely noticed her or the phone constantly ringing off the hook…
I finally had a minute to breathe and the phone rang yet again. I contemplated ignoring it this time, however something told me to answer it. On the other end, a mother was panicked and was talking a mile a minute, worried sick that she wasn’t there to pick up her beloved daughter. I tried to calm her down by reassuring her that Susie** was indeed behind the desk with me. Well, apparently she didn’t really care about Susie’s whereabouts but more about yelling at me, because she ripped into me like I was a murderer demanding ransom for her beloved child.
I quietly put this mordacious monster in her place and hung up the phone; ready to be done with babysitting Susie and answering irate phone calls.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
**name changed
\mor-‘da-shes\ adj 1: biting or given to biting 2: biting or sharp in manner or style : caustic*
There are many people in this world with varying personalities. There are those individuals whom you love to interact with and then there are those who rattle you and make your eagerness to help quickly diminish by the second. More often than not, these individuals are mothers; creatures of a different breed, creatures that have an innate ability to protect their offspring and to make your life a living hell if you threaten their copasetic balance.
It was a crazy Thursday at work and due our policy, a little girl whose mother had not arrived to pick her up yet came to sit with me behind the front desk. I was so busy, I barely noticed her or the phone constantly ringing off the hook…
I finally had a minute to breathe and the phone rang yet again. I contemplated ignoring it this time, however something told me to answer it. On the other end, a mother was panicked and was talking a mile a minute, worried sick that she wasn’t there to pick up her beloved daughter. I tried to calm her down by reassuring her that Susie** was indeed behind the desk with me. Well, apparently she didn’t really care about Susie’s whereabouts but more about yelling at me, because she ripped into me like I was a murderer demanding ransom for her beloved child.
I quietly put this mordacious monster in her place and hung up the phone; ready to be done with babysitting Susie and answering irate phone calls.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
**name changed
March 10, 2010
\’a-je-‘lat\ v : to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly*
The lights are flashing brightly, so brightly that I have to remind myself not to close my eyes. People are calling my name and in between the brilliant flashes of the cameras, I see what seems like millions of hands waving at me, trying to get my attention. I am walking arm in arm with one of the most handsome men on the red carpet and his smile is just as dazzling as the flashing lights.
I am wearing a dress specifically designed for me by Oscar de la Renta; a sleek black halter with small to large Swarovski crystals decorating the low front and back of the gown. My hair is upswept into a French twist and I feel confident and posied; beautiful.
I smile for my last press photo and head over to the hosts from Access Hollywood who are so intent on adulating me on my appearance that they forget the real reason as to why I am there; my performance. I thank them graciously and blush at their adoration. I whisk my date away and manage to find my seat inside the huge arena. This is what I have dreamt about…
* letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’a-je-‘lat\ v : to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly*
The lights are flashing brightly, so brightly that I have to remind myself not to close my eyes. People are calling my name and in between the brilliant flashes of the cameras, I see what seems like millions of hands waving at me, trying to get my attention. I am walking arm in arm with one of the most handsome men on the red carpet and his smile is just as dazzling as the flashing lights.
I am wearing a dress specifically designed for me by Oscar de la Renta; a sleek black halter with small to large Swarovski crystals decorating the low front and back of the gown. My hair is upswept into a French twist and I feel confident and posied; beautiful.
I smile for my last press photo and head over to the hosts from Access Hollywood who are so intent on adulating me on my appearance that they forget the real reason as to why I am there; my performance. I thank them graciously and blush at their adoration. I whisk my date away and manage to find my seat inside the huge arena. This is what I have dreamt about…
* letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
March 9, 2010
Kitchen Cabinet
\’ki-chen-‘kab-nit\ n 1: an informal group of advisers to one in a position of power 2: a cupboard for use in a kitchen*
I have a “thing” about open cabinet doors, specifically in the kitchen. They bug me. They bug me so much that when I lived with my parents, my dad would purposely open all the kitchen cabinet doors just to push my buttons; and oh, did it work. There’s nothing wrong with me, I swear, I just like the sound of a door shutting. Perhaps it is its message of finality, or perhaps it’s paranoia, you choose.
One day I was making a sandwich and went to replace the bread in its rightful place. I shut the cupboard door and went about my merry way. About an hour later, upon entering the kitchen, I noticed the cabinet door was open. I quickly put my back against the wall and scanned for a predator lurking nearby in the shadows (ok, my best friend’s fears are rubbing off on me) and when assured that no one was going to leap out at me, approached the cabinet with caution. I shut the door and it opened again, this mundane activity, taking place for what seemed like forever until I got the point that it just wasn’t meant to be.
That door is still open and sometimes I still check behind the shower curtain for that so-called predator…
* letter “e” is upside down creating “uh” sound
Kitchen Cabinet
\’ki-chen-‘kab-nit\ n 1: an informal group of advisers to one in a position of power 2: a cupboard for use in a kitchen*
I have a “thing” about open cabinet doors, specifically in the kitchen. They bug me. They bug me so much that when I lived with my parents, my dad would purposely open all the kitchen cabinet doors just to push my buttons; and oh, did it work. There’s nothing wrong with me, I swear, I just like the sound of a door shutting. Perhaps it is its message of finality, or perhaps it’s paranoia, you choose.
One day I was making a sandwich and went to replace the bread in its rightful place. I shut the cupboard door and went about my merry way. About an hour later, upon entering the kitchen, I noticed the cabinet door was open. I quickly put my back against the wall and scanned for a predator lurking nearby in the shadows (ok, my best friend’s fears are rubbing off on me) and when assured that no one was going to leap out at me, approached the cabinet with caution. I shut the door and it opened again, this mundane activity, taking place for what seemed like forever until I got the point that it just wasn’t meant to be.
That door is still open and sometimes I still check behind the shower curtain for that so-called predator…
* letter “e” is upside down creating “uh” sound
March 8, 2010
\’tor-per\ n 1: a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility 2: apathy or dullness*
My two year college graduation anniversary is approaching. I have welcomed change and have been willing to secede to circumstances of which I am not in charge; letting them mold and dictate my life. It has been very easy to remain in my present situation and to establish routine for myself, for routine is how I operate best.
However in this instance, routine can become a dangerous foe, creating a malignant torpor that will stagnate my growth as a potential professional woman. It has been profoundly effortless to grow accustomed to my present living and working conditions and while I am not happy in either, the ability to remain stuck often wins over the ability to seek other opportunities.
I have discussed the job market and unfair state of affairs with friends and family, bitched and complained, everything short of shouting out loud (ok, who am I kidding, I’ve definitely done that too), and unless I can shake the omnipresent feeling of frustration, the monotonous schedule that has become my “daily routine” will continue and hopes of eradicating the vicious cycle will cease to exist.
* letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
\’tor-per\ n 1: a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility 2: apathy or dullness*
My two year college graduation anniversary is approaching. I have welcomed change and have been willing to secede to circumstances of which I am not in charge; letting them mold and dictate my life. It has been very easy to remain in my present situation and to establish routine for myself, for routine is how I operate best.
However in this instance, routine can become a dangerous foe, creating a malignant torpor that will stagnate my growth as a potential professional woman. It has been profoundly effortless to grow accustomed to my present living and working conditions and while I am not happy in either, the ability to remain stuck often wins over the ability to seek other opportunities.
I have discussed the job market and unfair state of affairs with friends and family, bitched and complained, everything short of shouting out loud (ok, who am I kidding, I’ve definitely done that too), and unless I can shake the omnipresent feeling of frustration, the monotonous schedule that has become my “daily routine” will continue and hopes of eradicating the vicious cycle will cease to exist.
* letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
Monday, March 8, 2010
March 7, 2010
\’ilk\ n : sort or kind
I am searching for a place to belong, a company that wants my talent instead of my counterpart’s, a man who wants my brain instead of my looks, eventually a family who wants my love and support instead of just my income. I am looking for a place to call my own, to nurture it and let it grow on its own while allowing others to contribute to its growth. I am waiting patiently to come across that inevitable “in,” to become established while still being able to remember my roots.
While I search for a place to belong, I want to avoid becoming trapped and labeled as a member of an ilk that is no longer recognized by the future generations; that has faded and is no longer useful…
\’ilk\ n : sort or kind
I am searching for a place to belong, a company that wants my talent instead of my counterpart’s, a man who wants my brain instead of my looks, eventually a family who wants my love and support instead of just my income. I am looking for a place to call my own, to nurture it and let it grow on its own while allowing others to contribute to its growth. I am waiting patiently to come across that inevitable “in,” to become established while still being able to remember my roots.
While I search for a place to belong, I want to avoid becoming trapped and labeled as a member of an ilk that is no longer recognized by the future generations; that has faded and is no longer useful…
March 6, 2010
\’kra-pye-les\ adj 1: marked by intemperance especially in eating or drinking 2: sick from excessive indulgence in liquor*
Drinking has never really been a main staple in my life. I like the occasional social drink here and there but to have a crapulous interest in exhibiting topsy-turvy behavior due to repeated intoxication is definitely not my idea of a good time.
There were many kids when in college that drank excessively and that had a good time doing it. Their actions could’ve been a result of many reasons; finding themselves in an environment in which they could finally let loose not fearing being severely grounded by their parents, trying to forget a problem whether it be a break-up, a bad grade or a roommate situation, or it could be just due to the fact that they like to get drunk for absolutely no reason at all.
Whatever reason it be, I knew I hated sitting next to the kid who was so hung-over that a shower was not a possibility therefore reeking sweat and booze. I remember thinking to myself, what’s fun about that??
*letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
\’kra-pye-les\ adj 1: marked by intemperance especially in eating or drinking 2: sick from excessive indulgence in liquor*
Drinking has never really been a main staple in my life. I like the occasional social drink here and there but to have a crapulous interest in exhibiting topsy-turvy behavior due to repeated intoxication is definitely not my idea of a good time.
There were many kids when in college that drank excessively and that had a good time doing it. Their actions could’ve been a result of many reasons; finding themselves in an environment in which they could finally let loose not fearing being severely grounded by their parents, trying to forget a problem whether it be a break-up, a bad grade or a roommate situation, or it could be just due to the fact that they like to get drunk for absolutely no reason at all.
Whatever reason it be, I knew I hated sitting next to the kid who was so hung-over that a shower was not a possibility therefore reeking sweat and booze. I remember thinking to myself, what’s fun about that??
*letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
March 5, 2010
\’pen-chent\ n : a strong and continued inclination; broadly : a liking*
As I have grown older, my tastes have changed; I have developed new hobbies such as fine-tuning my photography, maintaining my blog, and cleaning my house more than once every three months. Although, there is one penchant that has always been a part of my life and will probably continue to ease my stress by allowing me to enter into different character’s worlds.
I love to read. I have always loved it, the first piece I remember being a short story of Rohl Dahl’s and reading it aloud to my dad while sitting at the kitchen table awaiting my breakfast. I was five. Reading has been like a second home to me, permitting me to escape in to fictional worlds and, (as I got older), circumstances and environments that couldn’t be more real and that I was grateful to not have had encounter them before I was ready.
Dr. Seuss thrilled me with his rhymes and when I grew tired of his childish games, I settled for sitting on the edge of my seat with R.L. Stine in my hands, awaiting the next thriller in the Goosebumps series. My literary journeys soon encompassed more mature storytellers such as Mary Higgins Clark and James Patterson. Within the last two years, my passion for absorbing the written word has progressed and now I love quirky novels that may not have been featured in the local magazine but that which make me laugh, cry or deeply ponder life’s dealings.
As I grow older, I know that my ability to obtain knowledge through someone else’s views will continue to evolve and enable me to get lost on the streets of Germany or in the labyrinth of the Catecombs while trying to decipher a hidden message…
second letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
\’pen-chent\ n : a strong and continued inclination; broadly : a liking*
As I have grown older, my tastes have changed; I have developed new hobbies such as fine-tuning my photography, maintaining my blog, and cleaning my house more than once every three months. Although, there is one penchant that has always been a part of my life and will probably continue to ease my stress by allowing me to enter into different character’s worlds.
I love to read. I have always loved it, the first piece I remember being a short story of Rohl Dahl’s and reading it aloud to my dad while sitting at the kitchen table awaiting my breakfast. I was five. Reading has been like a second home to me, permitting me to escape in to fictional worlds and, (as I got older), circumstances and environments that couldn’t be more real and that I was grateful to not have had encounter them before I was ready.
Dr. Seuss thrilled me with his rhymes and when I grew tired of his childish games, I settled for sitting on the edge of my seat with R.L. Stine in my hands, awaiting the next thriller in the Goosebumps series. My literary journeys soon encompassed more mature storytellers such as Mary Higgins Clark and James Patterson. Within the last two years, my passion for absorbing the written word has progressed and now I love quirky novels that may not have been featured in the local magazine but that which make me laugh, cry or deeply ponder life’s dealings.
As I grow older, I know that my ability to obtain knowledge through someone else’s views will continue to evolve and enable me to get lost on the streets of Germany or in the labyrinth of the Catecombs while trying to decipher a hidden message…
second letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
March 4, 2010
\’bi-zen-‘ten\ adj 1: relating to Byzantium or the Eastern Roman Empire 2: often not capitalized : intricately involved and often devious*
The movie Up in the Air was by far one of the most brilliant films I have ever seen. Not only was the plot rich, but the characters and their independent quirks really enriched the movie and my viewing experience. One of the main characters, Alex, played by Vera Farmiga, was what one could consider a flirt, yet also a go-getter, knowing exactly what she wanted; one of those things being Ryan Bingham, (played by George Clooney).
Throughout the film, Ryan and Alex develop a byzantine relationship; both of them meeting up during their travels. Ryan is a complex man who has little time for relationships and the work that goes into them, yet he finds himself falling for Alex. In addition to the many different innuendos and themes tastefully reflected upon within the movie, the complications of a love affair intensifies both the atmosphere at the movies and the way each character views his or her ties to each other.
*first letter “e” is upside down producing sound “uh”
\’bi-zen-‘ten\ adj 1: relating to Byzantium or the Eastern Roman Empire 2: often not capitalized : intricately involved and often devious*
The movie Up in the Air was by far one of the most brilliant films I have ever seen. Not only was the plot rich, but the characters and their independent quirks really enriched the movie and my viewing experience. One of the main characters, Alex, played by Vera Farmiga, was what one could consider a flirt, yet also a go-getter, knowing exactly what she wanted; one of those things being Ryan Bingham, (played by George Clooney).
Throughout the film, Ryan and Alex develop a byzantine relationship; both of them meeting up during their travels. Ryan is a complex man who has little time for relationships and the work that goes into them, yet he finds himself falling for Alex. In addition to the many different innuendos and themes tastefully reflected upon within the movie, the complications of a love affair intensifies both the atmosphere at the movies and the way each character views his or her ties to each other.
*first letter “e” is upside down producing sound “uh”
Dead Hand
March 3, 2010
Dead Hand
\’ded-‘hand\ n 1: an alienable possession of property by a church or corporation 2: the oppressive influence of the past
It’s hard to let the past fade. Even though it is logically behind us, it is never really gone; constantly affecting our actions and the way we live our day to day lives. There are great aspects of our past, memorable birthday parties with all those great gifts, the first dance where the cliché of boys opposite girls really did exist; graduating high school and then college and starting one’s life. These are all positive parts of one’s past, however in addition to the positive, there is almost always a corresponding negative.
I was, what you would consider a happy child, laughing, making corny jokes that only my parents laughed at, attending sleepovers. However the smiling was often a façade. While my life at home was blessed, I was not popular; trying unmercifully to “make friends” and failing horribly. Grammar school was a nightmare that often resulted in crying fits at home and the never ending phrase, “why don’t they like me?”
That part of my past, however much of a dead hand it was, has enabled me to move forward in each of my relationships and while it does sometimes rear its ugly head, I am slowly realizing that while it is hard to let the past fade, perhaps we owe it to ourselves and our future relationships to at least try.
Dead Hand
\’ded-‘hand\ n 1: an alienable possession of property by a church or corporation 2: the oppressive influence of the past
It’s hard to let the past fade. Even though it is logically behind us, it is never really gone; constantly affecting our actions and the way we live our day to day lives. There are great aspects of our past, memorable birthday parties with all those great gifts, the first dance where the cliché of boys opposite girls really did exist; graduating high school and then college and starting one’s life. These are all positive parts of one’s past, however in addition to the positive, there is almost always a corresponding negative.
I was, what you would consider a happy child, laughing, making corny jokes that only my parents laughed at, attending sleepovers. However the smiling was often a façade. While my life at home was blessed, I was not popular; trying unmercifully to “make friends” and failing horribly. Grammar school was a nightmare that often resulted in crying fits at home and the never ending phrase, “why don’t they like me?”
That part of my past, however much of a dead hand it was, has enabled me to move forward in each of my relationships and while it does sometimes rear its ugly head, I am slowly realizing that while it is hard to let the past fade, perhaps we owe it to ourselves and our future relationships to at least try.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March 2, 2010
\’rek-te-‘tü-de-nes\ adj 1: characterized by straightness or moral integrity 2: piously self-righteous*
I’ve never been a fan of people telling me what to do. You sometimes have those children who listen to directions well and who just go with the flow; not I. I was always opinionated and keeping my opinion to myself just was not good enough, I had to share it with the world! Even though I still exhibit traces of my former self, I have decided to shed that skin because to be looked at as being abrasive and loud is usually not a good character depiction.
Being rectitudinous in a negative way is definitely not something I strive to be. I make mistakes just as everyone else does and I do not want to add hypocrisy to my list of well-liked attributes as well. There are many things that I know I believe in and that I know, in my heart are right, yet to fight with those individuals who perhaps are a smidge ignorant is not my job and will add agida to my life instead of enriching it. What do we really gain by acting as though we are better than others? A spot in heaven? Probably not, for it was said that whomever was without sin, cast the first stone…
* first, second and third letter “e” is upside down, producing sound of “uh”
\’rek-te-‘tü-de-nes\ adj 1: characterized by straightness or moral integrity 2: piously self-righteous*
I’ve never been a fan of people telling me what to do. You sometimes have those children who listen to directions well and who just go with the flow; not I. I was always opinionated and keeping my opinion to myself just was not good enough, I had to share it with the world! Even though I still exhibit traces of my former self, I have decided to shed that skin because to be looked at as being abrasive and loud is usually not a good character depiction.
Being rectitudinous in a negative way is definitely not something I strive to be. I make mistakes just as everyone else does and I do not want to add hypocrisy to my list of well-liked attributes as well. There are many things that I know I believe in and that I know, in my heart are right, yet to fight with those individuals who perhaps are a smidge ignorant is not my job and will add agida to my life instead of enriching it. What do we really gain by acting as though we are better than others? A spot in heaven? Probably not, for it was said that whomever was without sin, cast the first stone…
* first, second and third letter “e” is upside down, producing sound of “uh”
March 1, 2010
\’klep\ v: to name or call
The majority of my serious contemplation of life and its dealings occur in the shower. There is nothing better than standing under the hot water, looking out the window (which I feel is necessary in all bathrooms) and letting the steam wash away any stress, replacing it with ease…ok so I definitely digressed on that one… Anyway, the other morning while engaging in this favorite pastime of mine, I realized that I could not remember Jessica Alba’s daughter’s name. I have a very good memory (especially when it comes to stars and their personal lives) and I was flummoxed as to why this piece of information was so elusive to me. I eventually recalled her name (Honor) and realized that the actual reason I was upset was not only because I could not remember her name but because it was one of the few names of a famous offspring that was just about bearable, therefore retaining it should not have been that difficult.
I do not, for the life of me, understand why members of the acting/modeling/singing/designing/Hollywood in general community feel it necessary if not imperative to clepe their children, Apple, Hazel, Jermajesty, or any other means of addressing that can be confused with an STD or could easily be representative of a society that has not progressed.
I really think name books should come with a warning label on them: do not name your child solely based on creativity. Merciless teasing will ensue!
\’klep\ v: to name or call
The majority of my serious contemplation of life and its dealings occur in the shower. There is nothing better than standing under the hot water, looking out the window (which I feel is necessary in all bathrooms) and letting the steam wash away any stress, replacing it with ease…ok so I definitely digressed on that one… Anyway, the other morning while engaging in this favorite pastime of mine, I realized that I could not remember Jessica Alba’s daughter’s name. I have a very good memory (especially when it comes to stars and their personal lives) and I was flummoxed as to why this piece of information was so elusive to me. I eventually recalled her name (Honor) and realized that the actual reason I was upset was not only because I could not remember her name but because it was one of the few names of a famous offspring that was just about bearable, therefore retaining it should not have been that difficult.
I do not, for the life of me, understand why members of the acting/modeling/singing/designing/Hollywood in general community feel it necessary if not imperative to clepe their children, Apple, Hazel, Jermajesty, or any other means of addressing that can be confused with an STD or could easily be representative of a society that has not progressed.
I really think name books should come with a warning label on them: do not name your child solely based on creativity. Merciless teasing will ensue!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
February 28, 2010
\’fül-jent\ adj : dazzingly bright : radiant*
I had died and gone to heaven. The fulgent light that was emanating from my surroundings was almost blinding. It took me a while to get used to it and when I did, I tried to form words to describe how I was feeling, but to no avail. I was enveloped with a sense of calm, and every time I looked in its direction, I felt light-headed. I moved and it moved, encasing me in its warm beams. There were no other people around, which I did think was weird for heaven, but hey I had been told that each person’s heaven was different so I forgot my uneasiness at being alone and continued to bask in the light’s brilliance.
I felt myself sliding back to reality, perhaps back to Earth. I didn’t want to go, I wanted to stay here forever! The light made me feel so good! I woke out of my daydream by the light’s voice, “Miss, may I help you?” I raised my eyes and caught a glimpse of heaven one last time.
* letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
\’fül-jent\ adj : dazzingly bright : radiant*
I had died and gone to heaven. The fulgent light that was emanating from my surroundings was almost blinding. It took me a while to get used to it and when I did, I tried to form words to describe how I was feeling, but to no avail. I was enveloped with a sense of calm, and every time I looked in its direction, I felt light-headed. I moved and it moved, encasing me in its warm beams. There were no other people around, which I did think was weird for heaven, but hey I had been told that each person’s heaven was different so I forgot my uneasiness at being alone and continued to bask in the light’s brilliance.
I felt myself sliding back to reality, perhaps back to Earth. I didn’t want to go, I wanted to stay here forever! The light made me feel so good! I woke out of my daydream by the light’s voice, “Miss, may I help you?” I raised my eyes and caught a glimpse of heaven one last time.
* letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
February 27, 2010
\o-‘be-sens\ n 1: a movement of the body made in token of respect or submission : bow 2: acknowledgement of another’s superiority or importance : homage*
One show that I like to watch on occasion is the Bounty Hunter. I love the husband and wife team who look so rugged and epitomize their profession perfectly, and who are real people, dedicated to making their society a safer place by bringing perpetrators to justice.
During the course of the show, the Bounty Hunter and his team prepare you for the worst. They give you hard facts of the crimes these individuals have committed, they suit up; wearing bulletproof vests, carrying weapons to protect themselves. You are fearful for them, wishing them the best while simultaneously being grateful that you’re on the other side of the television screen.
As the episode unfolds and you are taken on a journey to find and capture the “perp,” you are slowly becoming anxious and wish that the end would just hurry up and come. You do not want to encounter a criminal that is dangerous; an individual that even your mother’s warnings did not train you for. You hold your breath as the Bounty Hunter and his team bust down his/her door, weapons drawn and as he/she raises his/her hands in obeisance, you realize that despite their violation of a law implemented to protect you as a citizen, the fear is gone, for they, at this precise moment are human beings just…like…you…
* superscript letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
\o-‘be-sens\ n 1: a movement of the body made in token of respect or submission : bow 2: acknowledgement of another’s superiority or importance : homage*
One show that I like to watch on occasion is the Bounty Hunter. I love the husband and wife team who look so rugged and epitomize their profession perfectly, and who are real people, dedicated to making their society a safer place by bringing perpetrators to justice.
During the course of the show, the Bounty Hunter and his team prepare you for the worst. They give you hard facts of the crimes these individuals have committed, they suit up; wearing bulletproof vests, carrying weapons to protect themselves. You are fearful for them, wishing them the best while simultaneously being grateful that you’re on the other side of the television screen.
As the episode unfolds and you are taken on a journey to find and capture the “perp,” you are slowly becoming anxious and wish that the end would just hurry up and come. You do not want to encounter a criminal that is dangerous; an individual that even your mother’s warnings did not train you for. You hold your breath as the Bounty Hunter and his team bust down his/her door, weapons drawn and as he/she raises his/her hands in obeisance, you realize that despite their violation of a law implemented to protect you as a citizen, the fear is gone, for they, at this precise moment are human beings just…like…you…
* superscript letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
February 26, 2010
\’per-e\ v 1: to ward off a weapon or blow 2: to evade especially by an adroit answer
The winter is becoming too much for me. I hate snow (I mean ok sure, it’s pretty to look at, but shoveling and rock salting makes me wholeheartedly resent it), I hate the fact that I have to add ten extra minutes to my departure time to “layer up” for fear of frostbite, and I hate, hate, hate how the inclement weather conditions that often accompany winter postpone plans that have been scheduled for months! While I do not care for extreme heat or taking freezing showers just to cool down, summer has definite more appeal than the biting cold of our bitter friend.
There is one aspect of summer, however that never ceases to aggravate me; the incessant buzzing of our bloody-thirsty friends. As I was getting bitten when I was young, my mother tried to make me feel better by saying that my blood was sweet, therefore attracting many more mosquitoes. I rolled my eyes at her and tried to parry the annoying beasts with a flick of my hand. As I grew older, the methods of prevention became more severe. I graduated from flicking to spraying the daylights out of them with OFF! Or poisoning them with scented citronella candles. This past summer I didn’t have too many bites, maybe they have learned their lesson, or maybe they are quietly plotting how to overcome the ultimate goal of the …FLY SWATTER!
\’per-e\ v 1: to ward off a weapon or blow 2: to evade especially by an adroit answer
The winter is becoming too much for me. I hate snow (I mean ok sure, it’s pretty to look at, but shoveling and rock salting makes me wholeheartedly resent it), I hate the fact that I have to add ten extra minutes to my departure time to “layer up” for fear of frostbite, and I hate, hate, hate how the inclement weather conditions that often accompany winter postpone plans that have been scheduled for months! While I do not care for extreme heat or taking freezing showers just to cool down, summer has definite more appeal than the biting cold of our bitter friend.
There is one aspect of summer, however that never ceases to aggravate me; the incessant buzzing of our bloody-thirsty friends. As I was getting bitten when I was young, my mother tried to make me feel better by saying that my blood was sweet, therefore attracting many more mosquitoes. I rolled my eyes at her and tried to parry the annoying beasts with a flick of my hand. As I grew older, the methods of prevention became more severe. I graduated from flicking to spraying the daylights out of them with OFF! Or poisoning them with scented citronella candles. This past summer I didn’t have too many bites, maybe they have learned their lesson, or maybe they are quietly plotting how to overcome the ultimate goal of the …FLY SWATTER!
February 25, 2010
\ken-‘ven-ti-kel\ n 1: an assembly of an irregular or unlawful character 2: an assembly for religious worship; *especially : a meeting for worship not sanctioned by law 2: a meetinghouse*
Recently, I have been trying to solidify my journey of faith by attempting to attend Mass more frequently. For the past few years, my quest to become closer to God has been an arduous expedition; filled with uncertainties about how people close to me would view my renewed interest, skepticism about the Catholic Church and members of the congregation threatening to ruin my determination to cement my beliefs once more, and the underlying concern that I was phony for practicing such ideals when this could all be considered new to me. I was in search of implementing spirituality and common decency and respect in my everyday life and had hopes that this time it would be different.
I knew that to seek God was a serious task and that it deserved my utmost desire and determination. I tried many things, yet each simple mission I set aside for myself to complete would sit unfinished; the Bible passage never being read consistently every night, the last spiritual journal entry being three months prior, never attending Sunday Mass. I attribute the lack of achievement of each of these to fear; fear of not welcoming the new person I might become as a result of incorporating a new element of faith in my life.
It was my senior year of college and as a requirement for a group exercise within the organization of which I was a part, we had to attend a service and/or mass at a church every Sunday. It was the second Sunday and our destination that morning was St. Rose of Lima Church in West Philadelphia. It was a beautiful service and I really enjoyed the familial atmosphere within its walls, which was evident in the music and the convivial mood of the parishioners. It wasn’t until the Eucharist, however, that I felt like my place had been carved for me. I was so moved and really felt as though I were home; this being the first time that I felt as though I were in the right place at the right time.
I left the conventicle that morning feeling light in my heart and even though I no longer reside in Philly, that morning will always be special to me. It was a morning that started out ordinary but ended with a step closer to what I had been looking for all along: spiritual fulfillment.
* first and second letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
\ken-‘ven-ti-kel\ n 1: an assembly of an irregular or unlawful character 2: an assembly for religious worship; *especially : a meeting for worship not sanctioned by law 2: a meetinghouse*
Recently, I have been trying to solidify my journey of faith by attempting to attend Mass more frequently. For the past few years, my quest to become closer to God has been an arduous expedition; filled with uncertainties about how people close to me would view my renewed interest, skepticism about the Catholic Church and members of the congregation threatening to ruin my determination to cement my beliefs once more, and the underlying concern that I was phony for practicing such ideals when this could all be considered new to me. I was in search of implementing spirituality and common decency and respect in my everyday life and had hopes that this time it would be different.
I knew that to seek God was a serious task and that it deserved my utmost desire and determination. I tried many things, yet each simple mission I set aside for myself to complete would sit unfinished; the Bible passage never being read consistently every night, the last spiritual journal entry being three months prior, never attending Sunday Mass. I attribute the lack of achievement of each of these to fear; fear of not welcoming the new person I might become as a result of incorporating a new element of faith in my life.
It was my senior year of college and as a requirement for a group exercise within the organization of which I was a part, we had to attend a service and/or mass at a church every Sunday. It was the second Sunday and our destination that morning was St. Rose of Lima Church in West Philadelphia. It was a beautiful service and I really enjoyed the familial atmosphere within its walls, which was evident in the music and the convivial mood of the parishioners. It wasn’t until the Eucharist, however, that I felt like my place had been carved for me. I was so moved and really felt as though I were home; this being the first time that I felt as though I were in the right place at the right time.
I left the conventicle that morning feeling light in my heart and even though I no longer reside in Philly, that morning will always be special to me. It was a morning that started out ordinary but ended with a step closer to what I had been looking for all along: spiritual fulfillment.
* first and second letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
Saturday, February 27, 2010
February 24, 2010
\’in-‘fiks\ n : a derivational or inflectional affix appearing in the body of a word
The universal “they” say that the English language is the hardest language to learn. From words with different meanings and spelling yet same sound such as the infamous “they’re, their and there,” words that are not spelled the way they sound such as “cough” to grammatical additives such as suffixes and prefixes, the English language is a convoluted conglomerate of a myriad of facets that perhaps do make it the most impenetrable form of communication out there. (you catch my drift?)
As an individual who has always loved the written word, (both reading and writing it), and a stickler for correct usage of grammar, I never favored learning the different nuances of grammar. I specifically remember when, in seventh grade, we were asked to take out our grammar books, a unified groan swept across the rows of our classroom such as the universal wave does at a baseball game! We loved reading stories in class, becoming different characters, but boy did we despise English grammar!
For me, one of the lessons that I hated the most was that of the brother-in-law/sister-in-law category. I particularly hated this because when making this specific phrase plural, the “laws” were never pluralized, the “brother” and “sister” were (rightly so, they are the living things after all) causing what I now know to be an infix. I still to this day have trouble with this and have to mentally remind myself the rules of the game.
I absolutely love the English language and believe that it is rich with its details of salacious syntax. However, it seems that no matter how much I declare my love for the language, the notorious “brothers-in-law,” will always be my verbal nemesis!
\’in-‘fiks\ n : a derivational or inflectional affix appearing in the body of a word
The universal “they” say that the English language is the hardest language to learn. From words with different meanings and spelling yet same sound such as the infamous “they’re, their and there,” words that are not spelled the way they sound such as “cough” to grammatical additives such as suffixes and prefixes, the English language is a convoluted conglomerate of a myriad of facets that perhaps do make it the most impenetrable form of communication out there. (you catch my drift?)
As an individual who has always loved the written word, (both reading and writing it), and a stickler for correct usage of grammar, I never favored learning the different nuances of grammar. I specifically remember when, in seventh grade, we were asked to take out our grammar books, a unified groan swept across the rows of our classroom such as the universal wave does at a baseball game! We loved reading stories in class, becoming different characters, but boy did we despise English grammar!
For me, one of the lessons that I hated the most was that of the brother-in-law/sister-in-law category. I particularly hated this because when making this specific phrase plural, the “laws” were never pluralized, the “brother” and “sister” were (rightly so, they are the living things after all) causing what I now know to be an infix. I still to this day have trouble with this and have to mentally remind myself the rules of the game.
I absolutely love the English language and believe that it is rich with its details of salacious syntax. However, it seems that no matter how much I declare my love for the language, the notorious “brothers-in-law,” will always be my verbal nemesis!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
February 23, 2010
\’ko-e-‘les\ v 1: to grow together 2a: to unite in a whole : fuse b: to unite for a common end : join forces 3: to arise from the combination of distinct elements*
Recently, I saw the acclaimed Avatar. I must say James Cameron is still capable of wowing his audiences thirteen years later, still keeping us riveted and glued to our seats. The movie was very well done (a little confusing in the beginning) and the main character quickly becomes our hero (and every woman’s fantasy). We were enabled to not only view the film but appreciate it for the masterpiece that it is.
The specific reason I loved the film was due to the many innuendos that were sprinkled throughout the story. I appreciated the harsh yet somewhat accurate demonstration of some members of the Armed Forces. I was grateful that the bond between man and nature was represented as something that may be lost presently but which can always be found if sought enough.
The love story for me was the best part because it showed that two people from completely different worlds could make a life together and work at being happy. The two main characters were able to put aside their differences to make a life for themselves despite the hate and ignorance they frequently encountered. It also symbolized that one day, perhaps relationships could be born of what really matters instead of superficial aspects.
This film coalesced very nicely; the characters were entwined with each other, which allowed the audience to be able to relate to them and see them as members of society that is more often than not opposed to change.
* letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’ko-e-‘les\ v 1: to grow together 2a: to unite in a whole : fuse b: to unite for a common end : join forces 3: to arise from the combination of distinct elements*
Recently, I saw the acclaimed Avatar. I must say James Cameron is still capable of wowing his audiences thirteen years later, still keeping us riveted and glued to our seats. The movie was very well done (a little confusing in the beginning) and the main character quickly becomes our hero (and every woman’s fantasy). We were enabled to not only view the film but appreciate it for the masterpiece that it is.
The specific reason I loved the film was due to the many innuendos that were sprinkled throughout the story. I appreciated the harsh yet somewhat accurate demonstration of some members of the Armed Forces. I was grateful that the bond between man and nature was represented as something that may be lost presently but which can always be found if sought enough.
The love story for me was the best part because it showed that two people from completely different worlds could make a life together and work at being happy. The two main characters were able to put aside their differences to make a life for themselves despite the hate and ignorance they frequently encountered. It also symbolized that one day, perhaps relationships could be born of what really matters instead of superficial aspects.
This film coalesced very nicely; the characters were entwined with each other, which allowed the audience to be able to relate to them and see them as members of society that is more often than not opposed to change.
* letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
February 22, 2010
Point Man
\’point-‘man\ 1: a soldier who goes ahead of a patrol 2: one who is in the forefront; especially : a principal spokesman or advocate
Parkinson’s is a debilitating disease that afflicts approximately between 50,000-1,000,000 people (www.parkinsoninfo.org). It is a disorder that affects the neurosystem, causing difficulty moving and functioning on a day-to-day basis. The financial facet of living with Parkinson’s is immense and takes a toll on not only the individual faced with battling it but their families as well.
There are many people (ranging from celebrities to ordinary members of society) who are fighting to establish heightened awareness and who are working tirelessly to fund research to find a cure. However, there is such one person who has really delved into the efforts, based on his personal fight: Michael J. Fox. Whether you loved Fox as Alex P. Keaton on Family Ties, Michael Flaherty on Spin City or the young boy in Back to the Future, it was always Michael’s ability to make his audience laugh and relate to his character.
When Fox went public with news that he was battling Parkinson’s Disease in 1991, the nation rallied around him and within the next nineteen years, Fox would continue to not only fight his personal nemesis, but to act as the point man; raising awareness through education, a public appeal to Congress and his own struggle. Michael J. Fox launched his own foundation, The Michael J. Fox Foundation which has raised almost 176 million dollars in research since its inception in 2000.
Michael J. Fox has been an amazing example and testament to hard work to achieve one’s goals, educate others and to keep believing.
To learn more about Parkinson’s Disease, go to www.parkinsonsinfo.org . To make a donation to The Michael J. Fox Foundation, go to www.michaeljfox.org.
Point Man
\’point-‘man\ 1: a soldier who goes ahead of a patrol 2: one who is in the forefront; especially : a principal spokesman or advocate
Parkinson’s is a debilitating disease that afflicts approximately between 50,000-1,000,000 people (www.parkinsoninfo.org). It is a disorder that affects the neurosystem, causing difficulty moving and functioning on a day-to-day basis. The financial facet of living with Parkinson’s is immense and takes a toll on not only the individual faced with battling it but their families as well.
There are many people (ranging from celebrities to ordinary members of society) who are fighting to establish heightened awareness and who are working tirelessly to fund research to find a cure. However, there is such one person who has really delved into the efforts, based on his personal fight: Michael J. Fox. Whether you loved Fox as Alex P. Keaton on Family Ties, Michael Flaherty on Spin City or the young boy in Back to the Future, it was always Michael’s ability to make his audience laugh and relate to his character.
When Fox went public with news that he was battling Parkinson’s Disease in 1991, the nation rallied around him and within the next nineteen years, Fox would continue to not only fight his personal nemesis, but to act as the point man; raising awareness through education, a public appeal to Congress and his own struggle. Michael J. Fox launched his own foundation, The Michael J. Fox Foundation which has raised almost 176 million dollars in research since its inception in 2000.
Michael J. Fox has been an amazing example and testament to hard work to achieve one’s goals, educate others and to keep believing.
To learn more about Parkinson’s Disease, go to www.parkinsonsinfo.org . To make a donation to The Michael J. Fox Foundation, go to www.michaeljfox.org.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
February 21, 2010
\’im-per-‘ter-be-bel\ adj : marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness : serene*
Serving on an executive board of an organization had its ups and downs. I, along with my fellow e-board members, were able to enlighten our peers about race relations, provide laughs, deep conversations and lasting connections. I met with administration almost daily and more often than not, walked out of our meetings with a headache.
I am a very vocal person and when an event’s location was changed because of a shortage of outlets on the main quad or a speaker was hindered in his/her presentation due to a fear of disrupting the antiseptic universe the higher-ups had created, I made it known that I was upset, (usually in the office with the door shut and the blind drawn).
My president though, she was often imperturbable; affected by the usual unfortunate turn of events yet ready to weather the storm with a calm demeanor and determined attitude. We often butted heads and sometimes didn’t understand each other however that is one thing I will always admire about her, she was able to light a fire under someone by using her own powerful flame instead of extinguishing all possibility by getting hot under the collar. It was only when we were home, after a long day’s work trying to make a difference, that she let herself feel; all the while rebuilding her strength for the next day’s journey.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’im-per-‘ter-be-bel\ adj : marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness : serene*
Serving on an executive board of an organization had its ups and downs. I, along with my fellow e-board members, were able to enlighten our peers about race relations, provide laughs, deep conversations and lasting connections. I met with administration almost daily and more often than not, walked out of our meetings with a headache.
I am a very vocal person and when an event’s location was changed because of a shortage of outlets on the main quad or a speaker was hindered in his/her presentation due to a fear of disrupting the antiseptic universe the higher-ups had created, I made it known that I was upset, (usually in the office with the door shut and the blind drawn).
My president though, she was often imperturbable; affected by the usual unfortunate turn of events yet ready to weather the storm with a calm demeanor and determined attitude. We often butted heads and sometimes didn’t understand each other however that is one thing I will always admire about her, she was able to light a fire under someone by using her own powerful flame instead of extinguishing all possibility by getting hot under the collar. It was only when we were home, after a long day’s work trying to make a difference, that she let herself feel; all the while rebuilding her strength for the next day’s journey.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
February 20, 2010
\swä-‘ra\ n : a party or reception held in the evening
She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles. She knows she is attractive in general but on this night, she is really impressed by her fierce sense of style. The sleek black pantsuit fits her like it was made for her, the Mandarin collar accentuating her long neck that hosts a beautiful tear-drop pearl necklace. As she slips her feet in to her beaded, Parisian-style flats, she slides one more pin into her hair to make sure it will stay in place. She grabs her purse and heads out the door; determined to turn heads.
Tonight is her night; she will stand out and make her presence known. It has been too long since she has attended a soiree of this prestige; highly esteemed members of the upper echelon of society will be in attendance. She looks great, she feels even greater and she knows that by the end of the night, she will have made it hers.
\swä-‘ra\ n : a party or reception held in the evening
She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles. She knows she is attractive in general but on this night, she is really impressed by her fierce sense of style. The sleek black pantsuit fits her like it was made for her, the Mandarin collar accentuating her long neck that hosts a beautiful tear-drop pearl necklace. As she slips her feet in to her beaded, Parisian-style flats, she slides one more pin into her hair to make sure it will stay in place. She grabs her purse and heads out the door; determined to turn heads.
Tonight is her night; she will stand out and make her presence known. It has been too long since she has attended a soiree of this prestige; highly esteemed members of the upper echelon of society will be in attendance. She looks great, she feels even greater and she knows that by the end of the night, she will have made it hers.
February 19, 2010
\’la-kre-‘mos\ adj 1: given to tears or weeping : tearful 2: tending to cause tears : mournful*
I’m sitting in front of the T.V. and my favorite Kay commercial comes on (for those of you who know me, you will know which one I am referring to; for those of you who don’t, you’ll know as soon as you see the commercial, because it’s just brilliant, unless you don’t appreciate true corniness that is) and I melt. I don’t really consider myself an emotional person, (the occasional unfair circumstance or sappy rom com aside); however there is one period of time during my life that I am a bucket of tears teetering on the brink of major spillage; that time that us women know and love….
When it is that time, I am an emotional mess. I hear a soft melody with harmonious tunes and I tear up, I see a mother reading her youngest daughter a story at work and I tear up, I watch Wedding Central; yup that’s right, I tear up. I think it’s safe to say that my tear ducts are being more than properly utilized. All the lachrymose activity results in irritation at being so damn sentimental which results in more crying; I tell you it’s a vicious cycle!
I have one warning to all men, when a woman is crying for no damn reason, it’s either because she is insane or going through what you are lucky enough to not have to experience; however this one woman’s emotional roller coaster could be a combination of both; by the way, straight jackets might make it worse.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’la-kre-‘mos\ adj 1: given to tears or weeping : tearful 2: tending to cause tears : mournful*
I’m sitting in front of the T.V. and my favorite Kay commercial comes on (for those of you who know me, you will know which one I am referring to; for those of you who don’t, you’ll know as soon as you see the commercial, because it’s just brilliant, unless you don’t appreciate true corniness that is) and I melt. I don’t really consider myself an emotional person, (the occasional unfair circumstance or sappy rom com aside); however there is one period of time during my life that I am a bucket of tears teetering on the brink of major spillage; that time that us women know and love….
When it is that time, I am an emotional mess. I hear a soft melody with harmonious tunes and I tear up, I see a mother reading her youngest daughter a story at work and I tear up, I watch Wedding Central; yup that’s right, I tear up. I think it’s safe to say that my tear ducts are being more than properly utilized. All the lachrymose activity results in irritation at being so damn sentimental which results in more crying; I tell you it’s a vicious cycle!
I have one warning to all men, when a woman is crying for no damn reason, it’s either because she is insane or going through what you are lucky enough to not have to experience; however this one woman’s emotional roller coaster could be a combination of both; by the way, straight jackets might make it worse.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
Friday, February 19, 2010
February 18, 2010
\’no-‘se-bo\ n : a harmless substance that when taken by a patient is associated with harmful effects due to negative expectations or the psychological condition of the patient.
I am (according to many) a hypochondriac. I get one little ache or pain and I am immediately sitting in that waiting room (right along with the patients who have whopping cough or blood coming out of a specific orifice) ready to be told that I needn’t have worried; it’s nothing. Most often than not, I tend to rely on my friend reverse-psychology – I tell myself it’s nothing, it usually turns out to be serious and vice versa. There was only one time when I thought a nocebo given to me for my asthma was making me jittery based on my nervous mindset that this was my first asthma attack. Needless to say, the nurse came in a few minutes later, took one look at my ashen face and then decided to inform me that the medicine in the nebulizer tended to make patients jumpy. I knew it wasn’t solely the “psychological condition of the patient.” I had just simply been uninformed…
\’no-‘se-bo\ n : a harmless substance that when taken by a patient is associated with harmful effects due to negative expectations or the psychological condition of the patient.
I am (according to many) a hypochondriac. I get one little ache or pain and I am immediately sitting in that waiting room (right along with the patients who have whopping cough or blood coming out of a specific orifice) ready to be told that I needn’t have worried; it’s nothing. Most often than not, I tend to rely on my friend reverse-psychology – I tell myself it’s nothing, it usually turns out to be serious and vice versa. There was only one time when I thought a nocebo given to me for my asthma was making me jittery based on my nervous mindset that this was my first asthma attack. Needless to say, the nurse came in a few minutes later, took one look at my ashen face and then decided to inform me that the medicine in the nebulizer tended to make patients jumpy. I knew it wasn’t solely the “psychological condition of the patient.” I had just simply been uninformed…
February 17, 2010
\’hor-e\ adj 1: gray or white with or as if with age 2: extremely old : ancient
Throughout my life, I have been witness to many museums. They have turned out to be the bane of my existence. I don’t know whether it be the ultimate quiet (I’ve always fancied myself a talker) or the inability to stand at a particular exhibit and/or picture and try to “find its meaning” that really irks me. I appreciate history, art and anything else that needs to be preserved in a glass case, yet going to a museum on a Sunday afternoon is not one of my favorite pastimes (ok, maybe if its free…).
Perhaps another reason as to why my love for museums and all things included is nonexistent is my failure (and I’ve always been good with words) to pronounce or understand the scientific names of said skeletons found in some random archaeological dig. I’m half Italian; that being said, any words with too many consonants is not exactly going to find its way into my vocabulary very easily. It is ironic how these ancient and revered artifacts can be described by the word hoary; a word that is itself so simple; the complete antithesis of what the convoluted explanation says on the plaque in front of the exhibit.
\’hor-e\ adj 1: gray or white with or as if with age 2: extremely old : ancient
Throughout my life, I have been witness to many museums. They have turned out to be the bane of my existence. I don’t know whether it be the ultimate quiet (I’ve always fancied myself a talker) or the inability to stand at a particular exhibit and/or picture and try to “find its meaning” that really irks me. I appreciate history, art and anything else that needs to be preserved in a glass case, yet going to a museum on a Sunday afternoon is not one of my favorite pastimes (ok, maybe if its free…).
Perhaps another reason as to why my love for museums and all things included is nonexistent is my failure (and I’ve always been good with words) to pronounce or understand the scientific names of said skeletons found in some random archaeological dig. I’m half Italian; that being said, any words with too many consonants is not exactly going to find its way into my vocabulary very easily. It is ironic how these ancient and revered artifacts can be described by the word hoary; a word that is itself so simple; the complete antithesis of what the convoluted explanation says on the plaque in front of the exhibit.
February 16, 2010
\’pyü-te-tiv\ adj 1: commonly accepted or supposed 2: assumed to exist or to have existed*
Many people have called me idealistic (and realistic, and pessimistic never optimisitic..hmm…). I often employ, (what could be considered) a “too good to be true” mentality to the way I live my life; treat others with respect and they will surely respect you, always act professional and you will get the result you desire, fight to the death for what you believe in and the situation you thought was impossible will remedy itself. Perhaps I do live in a dreamlike state but then again why can’t a girl dream?
I also try to act the way I want to raise my children one day; when dealing with one such evil employer (and yes she was evil), I thought to myself, I need to persevere because when it comes time to share this story with my kids, I want them to know you always stand up for your morals and values even if sometimes the result is not what you desire. It is sad for me to think that what should be accepted as the right way to conduct oneself in society is often looked at as being idealistic and what is occurring (how young people speak to their elders, how violence is substituted for civil disobedience, how disrespect is implemented subconsciously through example), is nothing if not putative. I want my children to exhibit a clear sense of right and wrong and to one day exhibit maturity by realizing that they want the same for future generations.
* letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’pyü-te-tiv\ adj 1: commonly accepted or supposed 2: assumed to exist or to have existed*
Many people have called me idealistic (and realistic, and pessimistic never optimisitic..hmm…). I often employ, (what could be considered) a “too good to be true” mentality to the way I live my life; treat others with respect and they will surely respect you, always act professional and you will get the result you desire, fight to the death for what you believe in and the situation you thought was impossible will remedy itself. Perhaps I do live in a dreamlike state but then again why can’t a girl dream?
I also try to act the way I want to raise my children one day; when dealing with one such evil employer (and yes she was evil), I thought to myself, I need to persevere because when it comes time to share this story with my kids, I want them to know you always stand up for your morals and values even if sometimes the result is not what you desire. It is sad for me to think that what should be accepted as the right way to conduct oneself in society is often looked at as being idealistic and what is occurring (how young people speak to their elders, how violence is substituted for civil disobedience, how disrespect is implemented subconsciously through example), is nothing if not putative. I want my children to exhibit a clear sense of right and wrong and to one day exhibit maturity by realizing that they want the same for future generations.
* letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
February 15, 2010
\’lo-ke-‘fo-ko\ n 1: a member of a radical group of New York Democrats organized in 1835. 2: a member of the Democratic party of the United States*
“Social Studies” (as it was called in grammar school) was never really my strong suit. I did well when I applied myself yet found that the amount of memorization was too overwhelming for my brain, it was just like science, way too much remembering was required
From what I do remember and what is commonly displayed throughout present political occurrences, a rivalry has always existed between the two parties. Many Republicans have more often than not been stereotyped as staunch right-wing individuals who do not typify the liberal label; most Democrats on the other hand are advocates of topics that are what I like to call “eye-brow raisers.” (It is important to note that not all members of either of these parties agree with all policies or stereotypical beliefs). It is safe to say that Republicans and Democrats do not often see eye to eye.
A subject that I did do particularly well in was Spanish and was taught that the word “loco” meant crazy. So imagine my surprise when I noticed that Democrats in the mid 19th century were labeled as locofocos. Thinking it was somehow related to the Spanish meaning, I chuckled and thought if I were a Republican, this would definitely be appropriate.
However, I was wrong. According to Page-A-Day Calender by Workman Publishing, the word locofoco is derived by two Latin words that are joined: loco (which can be interpreted as meaning self-propelled but which actually means place) and fuoco, which means fire in Italian. In 1835, a few Democrats had learned of a scheme by their foes to hinder their meeting by extinguishing the gas lights. As soon as the plan was brought to fruition, the locofocos struck the matches therefore ruining their rival’s plan of sabotage.
After reading this, I chuckled and thought to myself, if I were a Republican, would I have thought of that?
*letter “e” is upside down and creates sound of “uh”
\’lo-ke-‘fo-ko\ n 1: a member of a radical group of New York Democrats organized in 1835. 2: a member of the Democratic party of the United States*
“Social Studies” (as it was called in grammar school) was never really my strong suit. I did well when I applied myself yet found that the amount of memorization was too overwhelming for my brain, it was just like science, way too much remembering was required
From what I do remember and what is commonly displayed throughout present political occurrences, a rivalry has always existed between the two parties. Many Republicans have more often than not been stereotyped as staunch right-wing individuals who do not typify the liberal label; most Democrats on the other hand are advocates of topics that are what I like to call “eye-brow raisers.” (It is important to note that not all members of either of these parties agree with all policies or stereotypical beliefs). It is safe to say that Republicans and Democrats do not often see eye to eye.
A subject that I did do particularly well in was Spanish and was taught that the word “loco” meant crazy. So imagine my surprise when I noticed that Democrats in the mid 19th century were labeled as locofocos. Thinking it was somehow related to the Spanish meaning, I chuckled and thought if I were a Republican, this would definitely be appropriate.
However, I was wrong. According to Page-A-Day Calender by Workman Publishing, the word locofoco is derived by two Latin words that are joined: loco (which can be interpreted as meaning self-propelled but which actually means place) and fuoco, which means fire in Italian. In 1835, a few Democrats had learned of a scheme by their foes to hinder their meeting by extinguishing the gas lights. As soon as the plan was brought to fruition, the locofocos struck the matches therefore ruining their rival’s plan of sabotage.
After reading this, I chuckled and thought to myself, if I were a Republican, would I have thought of that?
*letter “e” is upside down and creates sound of “uh”
Monday, February 15, 2010
February 14, 2010
\bi-‘li\ v 1a: to give a false impression of b: to present an appearance not in agreement with 2: to show (something) to be wrong : contradict 3: to disguise
Halloween was never my favorite holiday. As a kid, I loved (yea you probably guessed it), Christmas! I wasn’t a demanding child, but I loved getting new toys and gadgets every year. However, even though Halloween wasn’t up there on my list, I do remember most of my costumes, made by my gifted mother.
I had been your average cat and witch and was getting tired of those mundane costumes. The previous year I had been possessed by Raggedy Anne; that costume taking my mother forever to make (I will never forget her stitching red yarn to the top part of her pantyhose to make a wig). It was a big hit and I did not know I was going to top it off. My mother came up with the idea of a hobo, or bag man. At first, I wasn’t too thrilled at being a man for Halloween, but then slowly, the idea started to appeal to me and I wound up being dressed in a trench coat, hair stuck under one of my dad’s caps with dark make-up on my face, acting as dirt, carrying three bags. I thought it was brilliant and really hoped that I would be truly belied underneath this carefully constructed disguise. Not five minutes into the party I heard, “Hey Katie!” Ahh well, you win some, you lose some.
\bi-‘li\ v 1a: to give a false impression of b: to present an appearance not in agreement with 2: to show (something) to be wrong : contradict 3: to disguise
Halloween was never my favorite holiday. As a kid, I loved (yea you probably guessed it), Christmas! I wasn’t a demanding child, but I loved getting new toys and gadgets every year. However, even though Halloween wasn’t up there on my list, I do remember most of my costumes, made by my gifted mother.
I had been your average cat and witch and was getting tired of those mundane costumes. The previous year I had been possessed by Raggedy Anne; that costume taking my mother forever to make (I will never forget her stitching red yarn to the top part of her pantyhose to make a wig). It was a big hit and I did not know I was going to top it off. My mother came up with the idea of a hobo, or bag man. At first, I wasn’t too thrilled at being a man for Halloween, but then slowly, the idea started to appeal to me and I wound up being dressed in a trench coat, hair stuck under one of my dad’s caps with dark make-up on my face, acting as dirt, carrying three bags. I thought it was brilliant and really hoped that I would be truly belied underneath this carefully constructed disguise. Not five minutes into the party I heard, “Hey Katie!” Ahh well, you win some, you lose some.
February 13, 2010
\’ha-ste-‘lüd\ n : a medieval joust : spear play*
Being to England many times, my family and I had been privy to many things royal. We had explored various castles, being able to really implant ourselves in the environment in which kings and queens had lived and ruled. From Windsor Castle to Buckingham Palace, we were able to get a true sense of the lives of the highly esteemed leaders of this great British nation.
Another great facet of English culture is a hastilude. These jousting competitions are purely fun and can get a crowd riled up and raucous, cheering for their favorite team. One trip to England, my parents thought it would be a great idea to go to a medieval jousting event. I was young and brought a sense of innocence to the day; being alarmed at two individuals trying to poke each other off a horse with a long pole. My father explained it was all make believe and I relaxed a little.
The event was great and I had aligned myself with the blue team and was thrilled when they won. I was hyped from the electric energy of the crowd and begged my mom for a Haagen Dasz ice cream bar – yum! She agreed (it was a really good day all around!) and so off we went to the ice cream truck to purchase my tasty treat. As I bit into the bar, I noticed a blue wire embedded in my ice cream and immediately resulted to action. I threw the ice cream bar across the field and started to cry perhaps because I didn’t get my dessert after all and not because my innocence had been tarnished by a crude act. Nothing my dad could say then could reinstate the fun memories of the event we had just witnessed nor soothe my anger at being jipped a scrumptious ice cream bar…isn’t it interesting how kids can put things in perspective?
*letter “e” is upside down and creates sound of “uh”
\’ha-ste-‘lüd\ n : a medieval joust : spear play*
Being to England many times, my family and I had been privy to many things royal. We had explored various castles, being able to really implant ourselves in the environment in which kings and queens had lived and ruled. From Windsor Castle to Buckingham Palace, we were able to get a true sense of the lives of the highly esteemed leaders of this great British nation.
Another great facet of English culture is a hastilude. These jousting competitions are purely fun and can get a crowd riled up and raucous, cheering for their favorite team. One trip to England, my parents thought it would be a great idea to go to a medieval jousting event. I was young and brought a sense of innocence to the day; being alarmed at two individuals trying to poke each other off a horse with a long pole. My father explained it was all make believe and I relaxed a little.
The event was great and I had aligned myself with the blue team and was thrilled when they won. I was hyped from the electric energy of the crowd and begged my mom for a Haagen Dasz ice cream bar – yum! She agreed (it was a really good day all around!) and so off we went to the ice cream truck to purchase my tasty treat. As I bit into the bar, I noticed a blue wire embedded in my ice cream and immediately resulted to action. I threw the ice cream bar across the field and started to cry perhaps because I didn’t get my dessert after all and not because my innocence had been tarnished by a crude act. Nothing my dad could say then could reinstate the fun memories of the event we had just witnessed nor soothe my anger at being jipped a scrumptious ice cream bar…isn’t it interesting how kids can put things in perspective?
*letter “e” is upside down and creates sound of “uh”
February 12, 2010
\’wo-ter-‘shed\ n 1a: a dividing ridge between drainage areas b: a region or area drained by a particular body of water 2: a turning point*
It was getting overwhelming. They wanted to meet, but hadn’t yet, creating marks on the surface that were noticeable to others and that couldn’t be erased without force. They weren’t big fans of getting cleaned up nicely so that their appearance was note-worthy, they had spent their whole lives going against the flow and that worked really well, why change it now? I personally was getting frustrated. I wanted to do something about their awkward relationship, needing to remove myself from their destructive behavior as their actions reflected on me. It wasn’t until sophomore year of college that I knew I needed to do it; I had known it all along but was too afraid of the pain that would ensue. I looked in the mirror and the watershed had come so I did it: I plucked my eyebrows.
* second “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\’wo-ter-‘shed\ n 1a: a dividing ridge between drainage areas b: a region or area drained by a particular body of water 2: a turning point*
It was getting overwhelming. They wanted to meet, but hadn’t yet, creating marks on the surface that were noticeable to others and that couldn’t be erased without force. They weren’t big fans of getting cleaned up nicely so that their appearance was note-worthy, they had spent their whole lives going against the flow and that worked really well, why change it now? I personally was getting frustrated. I wanted to do something about their awkward relationship, needing to remove myself from their destructive behavior as their actions reflected on me. It wasn’t until sophomore year of college that I knew I needed to do it; I had known it all along but was too afraid of the pain that would ensue. I looked in the mirror and the watershed had come so I did it: I plucked my eyebrows.
* second “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
February 11, 2010
\kem-‘penk-shes\ adj 1: arising from remorse or regret 2: feeling remorse or regret*
Sally was not one of those people who was mean-spirited. She often characterized herself as being a giving and altruistic person; constantly making sure others were comfortable or helped instead of herself. Sally loved serving the community and usually could be found raking leaves in a nearby park on a Saturday afternoon or dishing up hot soup to homeless men and women in the soup kitchen a couple of blocks from her house. She had a steady boyfriend – Mike – and they were inseparable, until one evening when Sally was on her way home from work.
As Sally drove down her street she passed Mike’s apartment and was about to pull into his driveway as she noticed a car that belonged to their mutual coworker, Mary. Sally could not understand why Mary was in her neighborhood so late when she had been off that day and when she lived twenty minutes away. Deep down in her heart, Sally knew what had happened (or what was happening rather) and decided instead of engaging in an awkward confrontation tonight, she would go home, get some sleep and come up with a plan to ruin Mike’s life forever. (Oh, and Mary’s too).
The next day at work, Sally put her best face on and marched into work wearing a huge smile. It was not until a few hours later when Mary and Mike arrived, that Sally could not fake her happiness anymore. She locked herself into the employee’s bathroom and cried for an hour.
After her mini-breakdown, Sally ran into Alex, her coworker in the office. She suddenly realized to herself, what better way to ruin Mary and Mike’s reputation than gossip? She rushed up to Alex and mentioned she had something juicy to tell her. Alex raised her eyebrow (obviously interested) and the two of them returned to the employee bathroom to chat.
A couple of hours later, Mike came up to Sally. Sally immediately tried to grasp Mike’s hand and pretend like she had never seen Mary’s car in his driveway. Mike quickly dropped his hand and glared at her. Sally feigned surprise (really well) and was flabbergasted by his outburst. Mike ultimately accused her of spreading vicious lies about him and Mary and how she should have kept her big mouth shut. Mike stalked off after his tirade and left Sally standing behind the check-in counter dazed and confused.
Days later, instead of feeling happy that she had successfully carried out her plan, Sally felt compunctious and decided she should try to remedy the situation. She walked over to Mike’s apartment and after several sharp raps on the door, Mike was standing in front of her and before she was able to stop herself, she admitted the whole thing was intended to hurt him and Mary because she herself had been hurt by their actions. Mike listened genuinely and also apologized for verbally berating Sally the previous day. They shook hands and returned to their lives, never to see or speak to each other again.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\kem-‘penk-shes\ adj 1: arising from remorse or regret 2: feeling remorse or regret*
Sally was not one of those people who was mean-spirited. She often characterized herself as being a giving and altruistic person; constantly making sure others were comfortable or helped instead of herself. Sally loved serving the community and usually could be found raking leaves in a nearby park on a Saturday afternoon or dishing up hot soup to homeless men and women in the soup kitchen a couple of blocks from her house. She had a steady boyfriend – Mike – and they were inseparable, until one evening when Sally was on her way home from work.
As Sally drove down her street she passed Mike’s apartment and was about to pull into his driveway as she noticed a car that belonged to their mutual coworker, Mary. Sally could not understand why Mary was in her neighborhood so late when she had been off that day and when she lived twenty minutes away. Deep down in her heart, Sally knew what had happened (or what was happening rather) and decided instead of engaging in an awkward confrontation tonight, she would go home, get some sleep and come up with a plan to ruin Mike’s life forever. (Oh, and Mary’s too).
The next day at work, Sally put her best face on and marched into work wearing a huge smile. It was not until a few hours later when Mary and Mike arrived, that Sally could not fake her happiness anymore. She locked herself into the employee’s bathroom and cried for an hour.
After her mini-breakdown, Sally ran into Alex, her coworker in the office. She suddenly realized to herself, what better way to ruin Mary and Mike’s reputation than gossip? She rushed up to Alex and mentioned she had something juicy to tell her. Alex raised her eyebrow (obviously interested) and the two of them returned to the employee bathroom to chat.
A couple of hours later, Mike came up to Sally. Sally immediately tried to grasp Mike’s hand and pretend like she had never seen Mary’s car in his driveway. Mike quickly dropped his hand and glared at her. Sally feigned surprise (really well) and was flabbergasted by his outburst. Mike ultimately accused her of spreading vicious lies about him and Mary and how she should have kept her big mouth shut. Mike stalked off after his tirade and left Sally standing behind the check-in counter dazed and confused.
Days later, instead of feeling happy that she had successfully carried out her plan, Sally felt compunctious and decided she should try to remedy the situation. She walked over to Mike’s apartment and after several sharp raps on the door, Mike was standing in front of her and before she was able to stop herself, she admitted the whole thing was intended to hurt him and Mary because she herself had been hurt by their actions. Mike listened genuinely and also apologized for verbally berating Sally the previous day. They shook hands and returned to their lives, never to see or speak to each other again.
*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
February 10, 2010
\e-‘stüt\ adj 1: having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity 2: crafty or wily*
I have always prided myself on having the capability to be a good judge of character, observing personalities and how different people interact with one another. I try not to judge others too quickly resulting in a wrong perception, but I let my instinct guide me in the choices I make when it comes to incorporating various relationships into my life. Even though I have this capability, I do not necessarily characterize myself as being an astute person, sometime lacking political aptitude or even mental sharpness. I do possess common sense yet am often distracted about the many things in my life that if not present, would allow me to focus on those facets that perhaps needed more attention.
While in college, I had the pleasure to meet and get to know several individuals who definitely had the skill of being focused in all areas of their lives, both personal and professional. From leading large organizations and giving mind-altering speeches, to engaging in political debates and being voted to become the newest member of a board, these people utilized their talent to make the most of tough situations, to win said debate or to get their peers and followers to notice that in order to effectively move others to action, one must be dedicated to educating oneself through experience first.
* letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
\e-‘stüt\ adj 1: having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity 2: crafty or wily*
I have always prided myself on having the capability to be a good judge of character, observing personalities and how different people interact with one another. I try not to judge others too quickly resulting in a wrong perception, but I let my instinct guide me in the choices I make when it comes to incorporating various relationships into my life. Even though I have this capability, I do not necessarily characterize myself as being an astute person, sometime lacking political aptitude or even mental sharpness. I do possess common sense yet am often distracted about the many things in my life that if not present, would allow me to focus on those facets that perhaps needed more attention.
While in college, I had the pleasure to meet and get to know several individuals who definitely had the skill of being focused in all areas of their lives, both personal and professional. From leading large organizations and giving mind-altering speeches, to engaging in political debates and being voted to become the newest member of a board, these people utilized their talent to make the most of tough situations, to win said debate or to get their peers and followers to notice that in order to effectively move others to action, one must be dedicated to educating oneself through experience first.
* letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
February 9, 2010
Hors de combat
\’or-de-kon-‘bä\ adj or adv : out of combat : disabled*
It is ironic that my Page-A-Day Calendar by Workman Publishing should mention a car in the “Did You Know” Section for this particular word. I have definitely felt stranded and desolate without my reliant mode of transportation for the past week, but alas, it is not about me, but my beloved Acura.
It was a couple days before Christmas and I was on my way up to my parents’ house in the Poconos. It is a very long drive on a day when one’s car is operating impeccably, so this day, when my car started to emit troublesome rumbling noises, I just relied on prayer to get me to my destination safely. For the next week, amid the holiday cheer and celebration, my car was not the top priority. Perhaps it should have been.
Each week, the noise steadily grew worse and I knew that I could put it off no longer and that it was time to bring my car to the shop; every time this thought materialized however, it was followed by the ever famous talent of procrastination and the car never made it up the street to the mechanic’s.
A few weeks ago however, things came to a screeching halt – literally. I was asked to work in Stamford and during the drive my car was anything but quiet, the noises being nothing out of the ordinary. It was not until my drive home that my brakes completely failed and I had to resort to driving at 10 miles an hour with my hazards on; I felt like my father when he’s about to make a left turn! I knew it was time to get the car to the shop, grappling with the fact that not only would this mean that the car would be hors de combat but that my life would be as well.
* letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
Hors de combat
\’or-de-kon-‘bä\ adj or adv : out of combat : disabled*
It is ironic that my Page-A-Day Calendar by Workman Publishing should mention a car in the “Did You Know” Section for this particular word. I have definitely felt stranded and desolate without my reliant mode of transportation for the past week, but alas, it is not about me, but my beloved Acura.
It was a couple days before Christmas and I was on my way up to my parents’ house in the Poconos. It is a very long drive on a day when one’s car is operating impeccably, so this day, when my car started to emit troublesome rumbling noises, I just relied on prayer to get me to my destination safely. For the next week, amid the holiday cheer and celebration, my car was not the top priority. Perhaps it should have been.
Each week, the noise steadily grew worse and I knew that I could put it off no longer and that it was time to bring my car to the shop; every time this thought materialized however, it was followed by the ever famous talent of procrastination and the car never made it up the street to the mechanic’s.
A few weeks ago however, things came to a screeching halt – literally. I was asked to work in Stamford and during the drive my car was anything but quiet, the noises being nothing out of the ordinary. It was not until my drive home that my brakes completely failed and I had to resort to driving at 10 miles an hour with my hazards on; I felt like my father when he’s about to make a left turn! I knew it was time to get the car to the shop, grappling with the fact that not only would this mean that the car would be hors de combat but that my life would be as well.
* letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
February 8, 2010
\’spi-nes\ adj 1a: having spines, prickles, or thorns b: slender and pointed like a spine 2:difficult or unpleasant to handle or meet : thorny*
As I’m sure all little girls are at one point in their lives, I was a ballerina. Some girls go on to study this beautiful art form for most of their lives, going on to graduate from a conservatory, teach or become prima ballerinas. I on the other hand did not make it my life’s passion, however it was an activity that I enjoyed and took great pride in the fact that I could do step ball change when no one else could.
For the past year, I have come to find myself in the company of many dancers, working at a dance studio doing administrative work. While there are a myriad of genres of dance that take place at this studio, it is the ballet students who really capture my attention with their fluid grace and their beautiful posture. They definitely make ballet look like effortless motions when in fact it is a strict atmosphere that demands concentration and commitment.
I do not always understand dance language or the stringent schedules dancers have to abide by. I do not always understand (but do respect and appreciate) the hard work and dedication it takes to perfect this elegant passion. I find myself often comparing my current environment to scenes from the famous movie “Center Stage,” wondering if those things really do happen. I often find myself behind a veil of ignorance yet know that when I eventually see the spinous foot of a ballerina with an arch that is unbelievable, I temporarily forget my ignorance, enraptured by the sheer beauty of what is unfolding before me.
*letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
\’spi-nes\ adj 1a: having spines, prickles, or thorns b: slender and pointed like a spine 2:difficult or unpleasant to handle or meet : thorny*
As I’m sure all little girls are at one point in their lives, I was a ballerina. Some girls go on to study this beautiful art form for most of their lives, going on to graduate from a conservatory, teach or become prima ballerinas. I on the other hand did not make it my life’s passion, however it was an activity that I enjoyed and took great pride in the fact that I could do step ball change when no one else could.
For the past year, I have come to find myself in the company of many dancers, working at a dance studio doing administrative work. While there are a myriad of genres of dance that take place at this studio, it is the ballet students who really capture my attention with their fluid grace and their beautiful posture. They definitely make ballet look like effortless motions when in fact it is a strict atmosphere that demands concentration and commitment.
I do not always understand dance language or the stringent schedules dancers have to abide by. I do not always understand (but do respect and appreciate) the hard work and dedication it takes to perfect this elegant passion. I find myself often comparing my current environment to scenes from the famous movie “Center Stage,” wondering if those things really do happen. I often find myself behind a veil of ignorance yet know that when I eventually see the spinous foot of a ballerina with an arch that is unbelievable, I temporarily forget my ignorance, enraptured by the sheer beauty of what is unfolding before me.
*letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”
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