Tuesday, April 6, 2010


April 5, 2010

\’plemp-le\ adv : in a wholehearted manner and without hesitation or circumlocution : forthrightly*

I have never been good at being completely and totally honest. I don’t mean that I make it a habit to lie to people, however, I have a hard time expressing my opinion for fear of encountering opposition or confrontation. I was taught that it is not always what you say but how you say it and that I could be honest without hurting someone’s feelings. I’ve definitely gotten better, however, it is still work in progress.
During college, I met many individuals who were like me, shy about letting people know how she or he really felt. Strangely, though, my fellow counterparts were not with whom I surrounded myself; basking in the energy and company of people who didn’t care what others thought; exhibiting themselves as young, bright women who could assert themselves plumply without thought or reservation as to what would be said about them or how it would make others feel. Obviously, they had a hard time living according to my mother’s adage as well…

*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”

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