Monday, February 15, 2010


February 12, 2010

\’wo-ter-‘shed\ n 1a: a dividing ridge between drainage areas b: a region or area drained by a particular body of water 2: a turning point*

It was getting overwhelming. They wanted to meet, but hadn’t yet, creating marks on the surface that were noticeable to others and that couldn’t be erased without force. They weren’t big fans of getting cleaned up nicely so that their appearance was note-worthy, they had spent their whole lives going against the flow and that worked really well, why change it now? I personally was getting frustrated. I wanted to do something about their awkward relationship, needing to remove myself from their destructive behavior as their actions reflected on me. It wasn’t until sophomore year of college that I knew I needed to do it; I had known it all along but was too afraid of the pain that would ensue. I looked in the mirror and the watershed had come so I did it: I plucked my eyebrows.

* second “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”

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