Saturday, April 24, 2010


April 18, 2010

\’ger-e-les\ adj 1: pointlessly or annoyingly talkative 2: wordy*

I have accepted the fact that I talk a lot. I always have and probably always will. However, it is very rare, (unless I am inebriated or extremely exhausted) that my diatribes are looked at as being void of value. There are people though who conjure questions out of thin air knowing damn well the answer could have been derived through another medium, or individuals who just let their gums go wild without ever reaching a point. These people and I are not in the same category; or at least I hope not.
I have encountered many people in life that all have their own weird and/or unique quirks. There is this one woman whom I see on a regular schedule whose conversation consists of purely nothing of interest to anyone. Her garrulous personality makes me cringe every time she walks in the door and I purposely find some other task to occupy my time; alas that does not even deter her, her constant verbiage giving the term verbal diarrhea a whole new meaning.

*second and third letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”

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