Sunday, February 28, 2010


February 28, 2010

\’fül-jent\ adj : dazzingly bright : radiant*

I had died and gone to heaven. The fulgent light that was emanating from my surroundings was almost blinding. It took me a while to get used to it and when I did, I tried to form words to describe how I was feeling, but to no avail. I was enveloped with a sense of calm, and every time I looked in its direction, I felt light-headed. I moved and it moved, encasing me in its warm beams. There were no other people around, which I did think was weird for heaven, but hey I had been told that each person’s heaven was different so I forgot my uneasiness at being alone and continued to bask in the light’s brilliance.
I felt myself sliding back to reality, perhaps back to Earth. I didn’t want to go, I wanted to stay here forever! The light made me feel so good! I woke out of my daydream by the light’s voice, “Miss, may I help you?” I raised my eyes and caught a glimpse of heaven one last time.

* letter “e” is upside down producing sound of “uh”

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