Sunday, February 28, 2010


February 26, 2010

\’per-e\ v 1: to ward off a weapon or blow 2: to evade especially by an adroit answer

The winter is becoming too much for me. I hate snow (I mean ok sure, it’s pretty to look at, but shoveling and rock salting makes me wholeheartedly resent it), I hate the fact that I have to add ten extra minutes to my departure time to “layer up” for fear of frostbite, and I hate, hate, hate how the inclement weather conditions that often accompany winter postpone plans that have been scheduled for months! While I do not care for extreme heat or taking freezing showers just to cool down, summer has definite more appeal than the biting cold of our bitter friend.
There is one aspect of summer, however that never ceases to aggravate me; the incessant buzzing of our bloody-thirsty friends. As I was getting bitten when I was young, my mother tried to make me feel better by saying that my blood was sweet, therefore attracting many more mosquitoes. I rolled my eyes at her and tried to parry the annoying beasts with a flick of my hand. As I grew older, the methods of prevention became more severe. I graduated from flicking to spraying the daylights out of them with OFF! Or poisoning them with scented citronella candles. This past summer I didn’t have too many bites, maybe they have learned their lesson, or maybe they are quietly plotting how to overcome the ultimate goal of the …FLY SWATTER!

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