Sunday, March 14, 2010


March 9, 2010

Kitchen Cabinet
\’ki-chen-‘kab-nit\ n 1: an informal group of advisers to one in a position of power 2: a cupboard for use in a kitchen*

I have a “thing” about open cabinet doors, specifically in the kitchen. They bug me. They bug me so much that when I lived with my parents, my dad would purposely open all the kitchen cabinet doors just to push my buttons; and oh, did it work. There’s nothing wrong with me, I swear, I just like the sound of a door shutting. Perhaps it is its message of finality, or perhaps it’s paranoia, you choose.
One day I was making a sandwich and went to replace the bread in its rightful place. I shut the cupboard door and went about my merry way. About an hour later, upon entering the kitchen, I noticed the cabinet door was open. I quickly put my back against the wall and scanned for a predator lurking nearby in the shadows (ok, my best friend’s fears are rubbing off on me) and when assured that no one was going to leap out at me, approached the cabinet with caution. I shut the door and it opened again, this mundane activity, taking place for what seemed like forever until I got the point that it just wasn’t meant to be.
That door is still open and sometimes I still check behind the shower curtain for that so-called predator…

* letter “e” is upside down creating “uh” sound

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