Wednesday, April 28, 2010


April 20, 2010

\ka-‘kä-gre-fe\ n 1: bad spelling 2: bad handwriting*

I am a spelling fanatic. In school, there were not many subjects that I cared about the way I cared about spelling. The English language always mystified me and it still does to this day; there are so many words that are not spelled the way one would think they are based on the pronunciation. Studying for spelling tests was a waste of time for me, the words just speaking to me and somehow finding their rightful place on the page.
Whenever individuals fall victim to cacography, it really pisses me off, for lack of a better phrase. I understand that not everyone is adept at the ever elusive spelling skill, yet simple words that have no chance ever of being confused with something else are written incorrectly, almost as aliases that are used to cover a hidden meaning…

*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”

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