Tuesday, April 6, 2010


April 6, 2010

\’ad-se-‘ti-shes\ adj : derived or acquired from something extrinsic*

I think I give relatively good advice on relationships perhaps because I have an adscititious outlook on the situation. I am not sure why I am able to dispense advice like a Pez dispenser shoots out candy, but I am often the one shedding my opinion on what could be done. I am not currently in a relationship and so maybe it is easier for me to give an objective side to a story, hoping it will help everyone involved. I often think of medical professionals such as psychiatrists who can help their patients but when confronted with a problem within their family, the advice they were sharing the hour before is for naught. I like to think of it as having more at stake; perhaps my advice is just not good enough to cure whatever is wrong in my romantic life, but then again maybe there is nothing worth curing… ;)

*letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”

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