Sunday, April 11, 2010


April 11, 2010

\i-‘re-nik\ adj : favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation or conciliation

For most if not all of my life, the Middle East has been an unsettling part of our world. There are many aspects that are associated with this characterization, (extremists, religious fanatics, terrorists), however perhaps the most disturbing reason as to why the countries in the Middle East are in constant conflict is the actions they take against one another.
From the war in Iraq to the battle between Israel and Palestine, innocent people are being killed and it seems as if no solution is near. As an ally, we felt the urge to step in and aid those countries, help them establish a solid infrastructure and stable economy, sometimes at the cost of our own country and our people. It is ironic to this writer that more irenic forms of communication and plans for peace are not the first option, how war seems so much easier. It’s a shame that pride and strong will stand in the way of reaching an agreement that perhaps is an easier and more affordable elucidation.

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