Sunday, April 4, 2010


April 4, 2010

\’tin-te-‘na-bye-‘la-shen\ n 1: the ringing or sounding of bells 2: a jingling or tinkling sound as if of bells*

You know it’s the holidays when you get out of your car in a parking lot to do your shopping and you hear the unmistakable tintinnabulation of the Salvation Army bell. You contemplate getting back into your car and slinking away, making a run for the front door ignoring all requests to give funding or easing into a crowd with hopes of not being noticed. These attempts are not because you don’t like to give to people in need especially during the holiday season, but because at that precise moment, you have no change on you. But, alas, you take it like a woman and march with your head held high, look the poor, freezing Salvation Army representative in the eye and promise (that’s right, you promised) a donation when you come out. He or she nods (you think the nod means he or she understands you when in actuality it is code for “sure, that’s what they all say”) and you feel good inside. This feeling lasts until you get in the car to head home when you suddenly remember you forgot to wedge your dollar bill into the bucket. As punishment, the ringing of the bells is constant in your ears…

*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”

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