Tuesday, March 30, 2010


March 23, 2010

\’si-se-‘fe-en\ adj : of, relating to, or suggestive of the labors of Sisyphus; specifically : requiring continual and often ineffective effort*

There are different afflictions that plague various people. One such affliction that has always been a hindrance to me and my academic career has been that of mathematics. I have never acquired a taste or a talent for this monster of a subject and thus have never succeeded in mastering it.
The Sisyphean attempts at trying to become a mathematical mastermind has almost always (ok, forget the almost) left me dazed and confused and more often than not, back at the proverbial square one. I have had extra time after class with teachers, tutors, diagnostic tests; none of these measures have inhibited my inability to wrap my brain around numbers and their convoluted meanings. The effort in conveying the written word however is always continual and everything but ineffective…

*second and fourth letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”

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