Monday, March 8, 2010


March 4, 2010

\’bi-zen-‘ten\ adj 1: relating to Byzantium or the Eastern Roman Empire 2: often not capitalized : intricately involved and often devious*

The movie Up in the Air was by far one of the most brilliant films I have ever seen. Not only was the plot rich, but the characters and their independent quirks really enriched the movie and my viewing experience. One of the main characters, Alex, played by Vera Farmiga, was what one could consider a flirt, yet also a go-getter, knowing exactly what she wanted; one of those things being Ryan Bingham, (played by George Clooney).
Throughout the film, Ryan and Alex develop a byzantine relationship; both of them meeting up during their travels. Ryan is a complex man who has little time for relationships and the work that goes into them, yet he finds himself falling for Alex. In addition to the many different innuendos and themes tastefully reflected upon within the movie, the complications of a love affair intensifies both the atmosphere at the movies and the way each character views his or her ties to each other.

*first letter “e” is upside down producing sound “uh”

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