Sunday, March 14, 2010


March 10, 2010

\’a-je-‘lat\ v : to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly*

The lights are flashing brightly, so brightly that I have to remind myself not to close my eyes. People are calling my name and in between the brilliant flashes of the cameras, I see what seems like millions of hands waving at me, trying to get my attention. I am walking arm in arm with one of the most handsome men on the red carpet and his smile is just as dazzling as the flashing lights.
I am wearing a dress specifically designed for me by Oscar de la Renta; a sleek black halter with small to large Swarovski crystals decorating the low front and back of the gown. My hair is upswept into a French twist and I feel confident and posied; beautiful.
I smile for my last press photo and head over to the hosts from Access Hollywood who are so intent on adulating me on my appearance that they forget the real reason as to why I am there; my performance. I thank them graciously and blush at their adoration. I whisk my date away and manage to find my seat inside the huge arena. This is what I have dreamt about…

* letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”

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