Thursday, March 18, 2010


March 18, 2010

\’ka-vel\ v : to raise trivial and frivolous objection*

I was never a reality T.V. junkie. I am sad to say I have become one as of late. My guilty pleasure (and it does shame me to say this), is the series of the Real Housewives. All of them. These women are ridiculous, their lives are ridiculous and so are their spouses (some of these husbands need their own show). Shall we say drama?
There is always some sort of conflict and after a crazy day at work, sitting down and bearing witness to these dysfunctional lives makes me feel a little more at ease that my life is really “normal.” These women are the queens of high society yet cavil so much that the majority of the hour spent watching this ludicrous nonsense revolves around cat-fights and tears. My how I love it!
Ahh Real Housewives of NY is about to come on…wonder what production will ensue during another charity auction?

*letter “e” is upside down resulting in sound of “uh”

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