Wednesday, March 31, 2010


March 30, 2010

\byü-‘kä-lik\ adj 1: of or relating to shepherds or herdsman : pastoral 2: relating to or typical of rural life

I have become a pro at either dodging the inevitable “where do you see yourself in five years?” (specifically centered around career) question or artfully creating an answer that only I know to be utter and complete bullshit. I am not usually adept at avoiding these more often than not awkward situations, so it is definitely fair to say that I spend the majority of my time lying…
However there is one question to which I know the answer; that being where do I see myself living, settling, raising a family. I used to be certain I would make a life for myself in a city. Growing up only a half hour outside what could arguably be known as the greatest city on Earth, I developed a deep sense of appreciation for the energy, the grandiose ideas of success often accompanied by city life. Yet, as I grew older, and experienced commuting into the city (even though it was once a week, it was still exhausting!), I realized that a bucolic lifestyle would suit me just fine and that perhaps I could still take advantage of the great experiences a city had to offer knowing I was returning to seemingly less crazy haven at the end of the day.

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