Tuesday, March 30, 2010


March 26, 2010

\’ä-stre-‘siz\ v : to exclude from a group by common consent*

I have always had a soft spot for kids who are ostracized by their peers. Experiencing this feeling of hopelessness and not belonging has allowed me to empathize with kids who currently go through it. I know that one day, these kids will stand up for their right to be heard and to be accepted within the group from which they are rejected.
It is known that many of these kids will seek alternative measures to belonging; being permanently ostracized has caused them great pain and the desire to “fit in” no longer appeals to them. These alternatives (suicide, violence in schools, drugs) should never be considered a solution due to the result of disruption it brings to our society. Let’s help these kids flourish not only in school, but with each other as they are members of our next generation, yearning to make a difference any way they know how.

*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”

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