Sunday, March 21, 2010


March 21, 2010

\’prä-fer\ v : to present for acceptance : tender or offer*

Lately honesty seems to be dead and buried specifically among our politicians. Every time I hear of a new individual who is cheating on his wife, trying to cover up the latest scandal or acting illegally on behalf of one of his or her staff members, I shake my head and realize this is probably why some people don’t vote.
From Elliot Spitzer and his involvement in the prostitution ring to our present Governor Patterson, the idea that when one gets a title, he or she stops doing the work is strongly brought to fruition. I have always stated that whatever happens behind closed doors within a public figure’s private life in no way impacts me, however the moment hypocrisy becomes part of the deal, my trust and loyalty have been severely diminished if not totally eradicated.
A few weeks ago, on the front page of one of the newspapers, I read an article (in the form of a mock letter) mandating that Governor Patterson proffer his resignation. I think it was a great and ballsy attempt to get the public to see that it may not be just this individual’s idea that a politician should be a figure of positivity but society’s at large.

*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”

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