Wednesday, April 28, 2010


April 20, 2010

\ka-‘kä-gre-fe\ n 1: bad spelling 2: bad handwriting*

I am a spelling fanatic. In school, there were not many subjects that I cared about the way I cared about spelling. The English language always mystified me and it still does to this day; there are so many words that are not spelled the way one would think they are based on the pronunciation. Studying for spelling tests was a waste of time for me, the words just speaking to me and somehow finding their rightful place on the page.
Whenever individuals fall victim to cacography, it really pisses me off, for lack of a better phrase. I understand that not everyone is adept at the ever elusive spelling skill, yet simple words that have no chance ever of being confused with something else are written incorrectly, almost as aliases that are used to cover a hidden meaning…

*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”


April 19, 2010

\’be-tres\ n 1: a projecting structure (as of masonry) that supports or stabilizes a wall or building 2: something that supports, props, or strengthens*

The country of Haiti is still struggling three months after the tragic earthquake that shook their world upside down. Buildings and homes have been demolished, leaving the country to look like a no man’s land. People have still not been found and families have been divided. There are people who are skeptical as to whether or not Haiti will ever be able to resurrect their communities let alone their infrastructure.
From tel-a-thons, clothing drives, bake sales to doctors immediately hopping on a plane to donate their time and services, the U.S. along with other countries has been a positive force and a buttress in lending a hand to Haiti in order to rebuild their country so that it can thrive even more with their vibrant culture.

*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”

Saturday, April 24, 2010


April 18, 2010

\’ger-e-les\ adj 1: pointlessly or annoyingly talkative 2: wordy*

I have accepted the fact that I talk a lot. I always have and probably always will. However, it is very rare, (unless I am inebriated or extremely exhausted) that my diatribes are looked at as being void of value. There are people though who conjure questions out of thin air knowing damn well the answer could have been derived through another medium, or individuals who just let their gums go wild without ever reaching a point. These people and I are not in the same category; or at least I hope not.
I have encountered many people in life that all have their own weird and/or unique quirks. There is this one woman whom I see on a regular schedule whose conversation consists of purely nothing of interest to anyone. Her garrulous personality makes me cringe every time she walks in the door and I purposely find some other task to occupy my time; alas that does not even deter her, her constant verbiage giving the term verbal diarrhea a whole new meaning.

*second and third letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”


April 17, 2010

\i-‘myur\ v 1a: to enclose within or as if within walls b: to imprison 2: to build into a wall; especially : to entomb in a wall

I have always loved literature. I prefer the more contemporary pieces to what could be considered, “classics,” however I do have a sincere appreciation for any type of writing as it is such a genuine depiction of the author and perhaps what he or she has experienced in his or her life. Edgar Allan Poe is one such example. He is a brilliant writer, one that makes you shiver with his eerie relationship with a raven, his undying love, or the ticking that is immured inside a wall…


April 16, 2010

\kän-‘tä-me-le\ n : harsh language or treatment arising from haughtiness and contempt; also : an instance of such language or treatment*

I really don’t like pestering people for money. However within the past two years, my motto has become “times are hard,” and if I am owed a certain amount for whatever services I may have rendered, I am entitled. I will never forget one of my most nightmarish jobs right out of college. It was for a woman whose head was everywhere except where it needed to be which was developing a sound structure for the organization she was in charge of and getting her new assistant (me) well acclimated to my job responsibilities.
In a total of four weeks, I had only worked for her twice and at the end of November, I knew it was over. It, (for my sanity) had to be. I sent her two copies of my resignation letter and a copy of the hours that I had worked. I expected my money in full and for the both of us to carry on with our lives (hers however dysfunctional it may have been, mine considerably less) and that would have been the end of the story…hey, I never said I wasn’t naïve.
Three months later, I still had not received my money and was peeved beyond belief. I decided to become a pest. Lord knows, I had mastered this trait in other circumstances. After several voicemails and emails, I was left a nasty message from my former boss; her contumely obvious. I was not deterred from my goal and three weeks later, I received my money in full. As unpleasant as that scenario was, I learned something valuable; as nasty as people can be and even if you get cursed out, fighting for what’s right never gets old.

*letter “e” is upside down, creating sound of “uh”


April 15, 2010

\’luft-‘mensh\ n : an impractical contemplative person having no definite business or income

I would never want to be labeled a luftmensch, especially at this point in my life. I work hard, I earn money that could be a lot more yet is just enough to pay my bills and I rarely live life on the wild side so if I want to dream, dammit I will dream. I have never relied on my parents or others for money while I sit and daydream about things that have the potential of never happening; I am in fact the opposite, many people have instead labeled me a pessismist. Yet, I still think about creating a better life for myself in the future and for my family through my dreams…I am jolted back to reality by a kid screaming in the waiting area…


April 14, 2010

\’a-te-‘tü-de-‘niz\ v : to assume an affected mental attitude : pose*

I have often been told that I am not a good liar and that my emotions can be read clearly all over my face. I believe that may indeed be true to a certain extent. I am often found attitudinizing my thoughts as they cross my mind, a habit that has often gotten me into trouble. In college, I came across many individuals who thought their advice was the best advice and to take anyone else’s would be foolish. I knew that to listen to people’s opinions was a smart action, however there was a always a situation when I knew that to not listen to my gut would be just as foolish.
I managed to get through my four years at La Salle without any major damaged relationships yet I had weeded out those people whom were full of it (to say the least) from my life. A year later, I was invited to an annual event that I had been responsible for in college and when coming across one individual whom I had not favored, had no qualms about showing that I was less than thrilled to be in her company once again. I was told to “fix my face,” yet the emotion acted as though it were frozen on my features. I half smiled (that was as good as it was going to get) and headed straight for the wine.

*letters “e” are upside down creating sounds of “uh”


April 13, 2010

\’flaut\ v 1: to treat with contemptuous disregard : scorn 2: to indulge in scornful behavior

“It’s only because we’re responsible for you, that’s all.” I can’t tell you how many times I have uttered that phrase to the many children that infiltrate my job day in and day out. This phrase, often accompanied by “don’t wait outside, stop running, don’t go in a studio without your instructor,” (usually said breathlessly as all one sentence) are just a clear representation of how children are not disciplined and how apples fall perilously close to the tree.
One night in particular, I was at the front desk, waiting impatiently for the last class to begin as it would be the clear signal of the end of the night. A father came in to pick up his daughter and trotting behind him was his little boy cutely clad in his dinosaur pajamas. I inappropriately misconstrued the pajamas as a not so accurate depiction of the kid’s personality. Little Johnny was racing up and down the benches in the waiting area and when laying his eyes on the monitor showcasing each class’ occurrences, dashed quickly inside one of the empty studios, asking his dad to watch him on the T.V. I rolled my eyes and muttered “here we go again,” under my breath.
I calmly got his dad’s attention and mentioned that kids were not allowed in the studio because they may accidentally get hurt. Instead of apologizing and quickly whisking his kid out of the room (as I would have done had it been me), he sneered at me and gave me lip. I thought to myself, “here we go again.” I explained it was just policy and yet somehow, that didn’t seem to make a difference. To add insult to injury, the kid (you know the cute kid clad in dinosaur pajamas?), started egging me on as he ran in and out of the studio faster and faster, blatantly flouting our rules.
I eventually gave up and resigned myself to the fact that if indeed the kid got hurt, it wouldn’t be my night spent in the emergency room. Somehow, that made me feel better and I went back to my work.


April 12, 2010

\’mer-me-‘dän\ n : a loyal follower; especially : a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulously*

I believe that there is nothing wrong with doing what is asked of one’s self. To not follow orders and directions clearly almost always leads to some sort of catastrophe that enables blame to be assigned and responsibility never to be assumed. However, while possessing attributes that can be characteristic of a myrmidon, I also believe that perhaps it is ok to question; especially if said actions are not ones the individual believes in or knows for a fact will not be beneficial. It’s pretty safe to say that questions may often be considered an insubordinate action, resulting in hard feelings of the other party that is more often than not higher up on the corporate ladder. While I am an advocate of following the rules and living up to not only other’s expectations but personal ones as well, I do think that going against the flow in a tactful and respectful manner is appropriate if not downright necessary.

*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”

Sunday, April 11, 2010


April 11, 2010

\i-‘re-nik\ adj : favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation or conciliation

For most if not all of my life, the Middle East has been an unsettling part of our world. There are many aspects that are associated with this characterization, (extremists, religious fanatics, terrorists), however perhaps the most disturbing reason as to why the countries in the Middle East are in constant conflict is the actions they take against one another.
From the war in Iraq to the battle between Israel and Palestine, innocent people are being killed and it seems as if no solution is near. As an ally, we felt the urge to step in and aid those countries, help them establish a solid infrastructure and stable economy, sometimes at the cost of our own country and our people. It is ironic to this writer that more irenic forms of communication and plans for peace are not the first option, how war seems so much easier. It’s a shame that pride and strong will stand in the way of reaching an agreement that perhaps is an easier and more affordable elucidation.


April 10, 2010

\’skel-‘de-ge-re\ n : underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; also : a devious device or trick*

One of my favorite films as a kid was Clue. I loved the mystery genre, thriving on the “whodunit” aspect of various books and movies. This particular film did not only satisfy my insatiable urge to figure out who had committed the egregious crime, but it made me chuckle with its witty humor. Let’s just say the infamous quote “it was so and so in the Billiard room with the candlestick,” makes its way into my conversation whenever something has gone missing…
Clue is the story of a group of dinner guests who convene at a mansion located in an isolated area. The evening’s travels are accompanied by a severe storm, which sets the eerie scene perfectly. As the guests arrive, the audience thinks that it will be an average night; a five course meal, good company. However, we are led astray in our thinking, watching as the events of the evening unfold. We are surprised because the skulduggery that will have been revealed to us by the end of the film would never have been predicted…

*first three letter “e’s” are upside down creating sound of “uh”


April 9, 2010

\’ab-sinth\ n : a green liqueur flavored with wormwood, anise, and other aromatic herbs that is illegal to produce in many countries

People often find illegal things irresistible; the allure of going against the flow, breaking the rules, easy. When I say illegal things, I mean trivial components in life, not anything on the murder spectrum (although there are fans of that sport too). I believe in college, the attraction of underage drinking was primarily due to the feeling of being “bad” sip after sip; the “will I get caught,” factor lingering in the background, making anyone and everyone eager to do what was so blatantly wrong. Drinking can be fun if done responsibly and there are definitely tasty drinks that allow inhibitions to be eradicated. I enjoy a social drink every now and again, light with only a slight taste of the alcohol within which it is mixed. I know for certain that the dangerous and (only recently) legal Absinthe would definitely not make its way into my drink.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

HOBSON'S CHOICE -(disregard prior posting)

April 8, 2010

Hobson’s choice
\’häb-senz-‘chois\ n : an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative*

In fifth grade, we had a class pet. His name was Patches and he was a tri-colored guinea pig. As all young kids do, I thought he was the cutest thing and I couldn’t wait for my turn to take him home. Little did I know that weekend would be a catastrophe. Let’s just say gerbils and Barbie cars don’t mix.
Everything was going well so far. We (ok, my mom) diligently cleaned out his cage, we (alright alright, that was my mom too) fed him and I petted him. I even played with him and thought it would definitely be cool if Patches was the first ever guinea pig to take a ride on top of my brand new Barbie convertible. Patches got stuck, became sick and died a few days later…I think it’s safe to say my delicate reputation had been permanently tainted among my peers.
A few days later, after being tormented relentlessly by the kids in my class, and one boy in particular, I came back from recess to find a note in my desk. It was from the kid behind me who always teased me. The note stated that he was sorry he blamed me for killing Patches and that even though he still believed it was my fault, it wasn’t (three words: fifth grader’s logic). I later found out he had been presented with a Hobson’s choice of either apologizing to me or losing recess for the rest of the year. Three words – fifth grader’s motive.

*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”



April 7, 2010

\’no-des\ n : a complication or difficulty*

Reading has always been an enjoyable activity for me, never one that was filled with strife, relatively relaxing (unless it was for a school assignment) and an excellent form of escape. However, there are always those one or two (or three) books that are the antithesis of beneficial reading. I must say I am now enduring one of those problematical pieces.
For the past two months, I have been reading a fictional piece that has represented itself as worthy to read. Whether that be attributed to the author or the fact that “New York Times Bestseller” is scrawled along the top, I perhaps will never know, however I do recognize that perhaps the inscrutable plot with the just as enigmatic characters has made this particular book an incredible arduous task to complete. My nodus associated with getting absorbed by the novel has inhibited my ability to properly review it when it is finally finished, leaving my captive audience disappointed…ok who am I kidding, no one reads my damn blog…anyway I digress…
I love to read and be mystified by what might or might not happen next. However, anticipating the next move of the protagonist or swooning over the gorgeous villain even though he’s evil and will cut you up and serve you to your mother, varies greatly to a book that is so drenched in details that the main focus is lost – reaching an ending!!

*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


April 6, 2010

\’ad-se-‘ti-shes\ adj : derived or acquired from something extrinsic*

I think I give relatively good advice on relationships perhaps because I have an adscititious outlook on the situation. I am not sure why I am able to dispense advice like a Pez dispenser shoots out candy, but I am often the one shedding my opinion on what could be done. I am not currently in a relationship and so maybe it is easier for me to give an objective side to a story, hoping it will help everyone involved. I often think of medical professionals such as psychiatrists who can help their patients but when confronted with a problem within their family, the advice they were sharing the hour before is for naught. I like to think of it as having more at stake; perhaps my advice is just not good enough to cure whatever is wrong in my romantic life, but then again maybe there is nothing worth curing… ;)

*letter “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”


April 5, 2010

\’plemp-le\ adv : in a wholehearted manner and without hesitation or circumlocution : forthrightly*

I have never been good at being completely and totally honest. I don’t mean that I make it a habit to lie to people, however, I have a hard time expressing my opinion for fear of encountering opposition or confrontation. I was taught that it is not always what you say but how you say it and that I could be honest without hurting someone’s feelings. I’ve definitely gotten better, however, it is still work in progress.
During college, I met many individuals who were like me, shy about letting people know how she or he really felt. Strangely, though, my fellow counterparts were not with whom I surrounded myself; basking in the energy and company of people who didn’t care what others thought; exhibiting themselves as young, bright women who could assert themselves plumply without thought or reservation as to what would be said about them or how it would make others feel. Obviously, they had a hard time living according to my mother’s adage as well…

*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”

Sunday, April 4, 2010


April 4, 2010

\’tin-te-‘na-bye-‘la-shen\ n 1: the ringing or sounding of bells 2: a jingling or tinkling sound as if of bells*

You know it’s the holidays when you get out of your car in a parking lot to do your shopping and you hear the unmistakable tintinnabulation of the Salvation Army bell. You contemplate getting back into your car and slinking away, making a run for the front door ignoring all requests to give funding or easing into a crowd with hopes of not being noticed. These attempts are not because you don’t like to give to people in need especially during the holiday season, but because at that precise moment, you have no change on you. But, alas, you take it like a woman and march with your head held high, look the poor, freezing Salvation Army representative in the eye and promise (that’s right, you promised) a donation when you come out. He or she nods (you think the nod means he or she understands you when in actuality it is code for “sure, that’s what they all say”) and you feel good inside. This feeling lasts until you get in the car to head home when you suddenly remember you forgot to wedge your dollar bill into the bucket. As punishment, the ringing of the bells is constant in your ears…

*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”


April 3, 2010

\’sik\ adv : intentionally so written – used after a printed word or passage to indicate that it exactly reproduces an original

“That’s totally sic!” That phrase has been implemented within the English language and like many slang terms, has absolutely nothing to do with the actual meaning of the word, sic. During this verbal adventure, I have learned many new things and the actual gist of this word and its use within our literary world is quite interesting.
When adding the term sic in a piece, usually following another person’s quote, it implies that what was said was the actual quote and not a mistake made by the person writing the article. Once again, there are individuals who do not agree with using this term as it is said to possibly “call attention to someone’s error or to deride the language of a less educated person” (Page-A-Day Calendar by Workman Publishing). I think using a three letter word to cover one’s own ass is totally….(yup you guessed it) sic!


April 2, 2010

\’ver-chü-o-so\ n 1: a person skilled in the fine arts 2: one who excels in the technique of an art or other endeavor; especially : a highly skilled musical performer*

In college, I focused dually on film and journalism. In addition to writing, I loved acting and thought if the drama club wasn’t necessarily my nice, I could go to class for three hours and watch drama, love, comedy and many other genres unfold before me on the big screen. However, as great as film is, my one true love is none other than theater.
Any chance I have to see a broadway show I am the first one in line (preferably at the TKTS booth; times are hard). Theater makes me feel alive. I thrive on the actors’ energy, the way they light up the stage with their passion. Supplementing the acting, is the music (I’m a sucker for musicals – Phantom being my favorite). The virtuosos that inhabit the orchestra pit really add flavor and pizzazz to the environment and make the theater itself feel like a home away from home for me. Any show would not be successful if not for the individuals behind the scenes, from the director to the set designers. These people permit the show to happen and happen well.
All the different aspects of theater make me giddy with excitement and raring to go when a friend mentions yet another show we must see.

*letter “e” is upside down creating sound of “uh”


April 1, 2010

\’ger-den\ n : a reward or recompense*

Many writers struggle; to keep the ideas brewing while trying to get them accepted by publishers and the general public is a task with which writers are very familiar. I have often considered myself a writer and have realized that to harness my passion is a gift in itself and will enable me to develop my talent more deeply as time goes on.
Perhaps every writer’s dream is to become published; whether it be self-publication or through the ever elusive “agent.” To some the process of getting one’s work out to his or her audience defines him or her as an author; to others, it is just a means to an end. For this particular writer, the main guerdon would be that specific moment when I lay my eyes upon my work in print. It would be that moment that would define me and my hard effort in perfecting my craft; putting in many hard hours/days/months of writing, doing research, dealing with rejection after rejection. For me, it will be that moment…

*letters “e” are upside down creating sound of “uh”