Tuesday, February 2, 2010


February 1, 2010

\koi-‘na\ n : a language of a region that has become the common or standard language of a larger area.

When someone says “I’ve koined that phrase from you,” it is implied that said phrase is now theirs to use and that, hopefully, proper credit will be attributed to founder of phrase. Koine literally means a language that has been adopted by a larger area, has taken on a life of its own and that which is being widely used by the majority of the population.
It is interesting to learn that, according to Page-a-Day Calendar by Workman Publishing, Koine was an actual language in the “eastern Mediterranean countries…until the reign of Justinian I.” Weeding out the easier grammatical components of the language and eradicating the more easily unrecognizable, a koine becomes a very useful tool in allowing members of larger communities to implement but more importantly maintain an often indigenous form of communication.

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