Friday, January 29, 2010


January 28, 2010

\di-‘man\ n 1: legal possession of land as one’s own 2a: the land attached to a mansion b: estate c: region or territory 3: realm or domain

A video game is a form of entertainment within which there are many demesnes. Get a certain amount of coins or fight the appropriate number of villains, you are set to continue to the next realm not certain of what awaits you. Life is akin to video games in a sense, we progress to each new stage in our lives waiting to see what life brings us and what strategies we can use to overcome hard courses while trying to reach the inevitable reward, whether it be money, love, friendship or materialistic items.
However, while video games are a pretty good metaphor for life’s games, there are many facets that are conveniently excluded such as magical powers (despite what some people may say), three lives, or the ever-popular pause button! Life has many various domains as well but each of those is definitely harder to survive than a video game where you get an award ceremony for completing each level successfully. The majority of the time, we are required to finish without much appreciation or recognition, the ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel slightly diminished. However, have hope because the next level will teach us new things that will continue to prepare us for the one ahead.

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